Rampant Medicare Fraud in California – IOTW Report

Rampant Medicare Fraud in California

KFI: California signed up and estimated 450,000 people for Medicaid who may not be eligible for benefits. The US Health and Human Services Department watchdog report was released February 21 and they estimated that the state spent $738.2 million on 366,078 recipients who were ineligible.

90% of the $1.15 billion in spending on sketchy payments were with federal money but the rest came from Medi-Cal according to auditors.   read more

11 Comments on Rampant Medicare Fraud in California

  1. They say that illegal aliens do not receive any public welfare benefits? Prove it!

    Also, remember how many people say that cali give out more money to the rest of the country than it takes in? Well why don’t they reimburse us for the theft of this money from the rest of America? Come on and prove me wrong.

  2. In the 1990s I worked in Chino, CA, as a secretary. One day a lady came in asking if I knew of any ILLEGAL aliens around the area. ‘No, I just work here’.

    She left her card, stating she’d appreciate getting a call, should I became aware of any ILLEGALS.

    The reason:
    1-She was looking for ILLEGALS to inform them of their benefits, including welfare, medical, WICK and other ways to ‘help’ them.
    2-She and others had to search for ILLEFALS, because they were so afraid of deportation.

    I filed that card directly into the shredder.

    CA has been selling and betraying America for a long time.

  3. In the 1990s I worked in Chino, CA, as a secretary. One day a lady came in asking if I knew if any ILLEGAL aliens around the area. ‘No, I just work here’.

    She left her card, stating she’d appreciate it if I would give her a call, if I became aware of any ILLEGALS.

    The reason:
    1-She was looking for ILLEGALS to inform them of their benefits, including welfare, medical, WICK and other ways to ‘help’ them.
    2-She and others had to search for ILLEGALS, because they were so afraid of deportation.

    I filed that card directly into the shredder.

    CA has been selling and betraying America for a long time.

  4. The Feds ought to enact a law that allows them to audit California Medicaid payments (any State actually) and should they determine fraud is taking place then reduce the federal cash by the auditors estimate of the fraud. Payments start to be restored when California reduces the amount of the fraud. Hell, Trump has a pen and a phone and a Twitter account.

  5. It’s hard to slow the flood of illegals when states like California continue to lure them with irresistible bait.
    The only effective way to stop this is to make sure they can never vote, thats all the dems want them for.

  6. Another prime example of government efficiency, California style. This could be alleviated by a federal law requiring verification of citizenship prior to accepting an enrollment in the Medicaid program.. I can visualize liberal heads exploding by making this a codicil for Medicaid acceptance.
    Bob may have something with his catapult obsession. A trebuchet may be a little more maneuverable though.


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