Rampant Speculation Over How Biden Will Replace the Mysterious Red Button Suddenly Missing From Oval Office – IOTW Report

Rampant Speculation Over How Biden Will Replace the Mysterious Red Button Suddenly Missing From Oval Office


Joe Biden has wasted no time in making the Oval Office his own. He’s chosen different furniture from the White House collection, switched out the busts of famous people – including Winston Churchill – and replaced the oval rug. But Biden has made an interesting choice of reportedly removing something from the office that President Trump found essential.

The change was first spotted by a reporter at The UK Sunday Times Radio, who noticed that the red button previously gracing the same Resolute Desk used by President Trump is now … missing.

There was a sense of surprise that the “fascinating” and mysterious button no longer sits on the most famous desk, used by the most famous leaders, in the most famous office in America, if not the world.

Was it pressed to launch nukes? Of course not. Was it there to press, like the queen does in The Crown, to get her aide to yank out the guest she’s bored with? No. Call his wife? Nope.

The Times’s Tom Dunn reported that he and a colleague from The Washington Post wondered what the button was used for as they interviewed the president of the United States of America. Their recorders and phones are right there on the famous desk taking in every word uttered by the leader of the free world.

Their recorders were perilously close to the red button. more

28 Comments on Rampant Speculation Over How Biden Will Replace the Mysterious Red Button Suddenly Missing From Oval Office

  1. My guess was that it was the one or two scoops button.

    The Kommander-in-thief (who stole the ewection) always gets sparkles on his three scoops so he doesn’t need it anymore.

  2. Cumala has the button on her nightstand to call in the next Schumer Erection candidate.

    She also has a Staples “That Was Easy” button next to her box of Kleenex.

    The gal is a real pro.

  3. refuse/resist
    JANUARY 24, 2021 AT 12:30 PM
    “Replaced with a Life Alert button.”

    …with dead batteries and no service, seeing as how Kumdumpster has The Pedophile on the Do Not Resuscitate list…

  4. …I was testing a way to store text for some OEM HMI buttons in string registers in the PLC and just put nonsense in them to see if it would correctly display. I set one up to say DO NOT PRESS, and if you pressed it, it would change to YOU’RE FIRED!.

    I got a nasty nastygram from third shift management the next day to stop scaring their foreigners, because they evidently understood THAT much English and, since EVERY DAMN ONE pushed the DO NOT PUSH button, they ALL thought they were in trouble because A COMPUTER TOLF THEM SO (which is related to the Dominion problem that people have a HUGE and totally unwarranted Technology Bias where they believe ANYTHING a computer says, but that’s a different subject for another day)…

  5. The dumpocraps suffer from “agression envy”. Getting us involved in chicken-shit wars is their specialty. That includes Iraq, started by the Bush RINO team and continued by Obama.

    They try to establish their manliness by unleashing the Dogs of War upon countries that represent no real threat to the US, such as Syria and Afghanistan, while sucking up to our real enemy, which is currently, China.

  6. Joe: Yeah…I pressed that big red button to have a ham sandwich delivered to the Oval Office here. Then, someone took the red button away and I never did get that sandwich.

    I am the president and they better bring that button back to me before I arrest them for treason.

  7. NOT A DOCTOR Jill repurposed it as one of those “I’ve fallen and I can’t get up” buttons. When she realized it wouldn’t be much good if Joey actually hit the floor, she had it moved to the underside of the desk. It’s still there, you just can’t see it.

    It comforts Joey to know that it’s there, but he hasn’t found out yet that if he pushes it, his phones are shut off and all the doors to the Oval Office automatically lock for three hours and nobody can get in.


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