ran, Argentina, Cuba, Venezuela, Nuclear Program and a Dead Body – IOTW Report

ran, Argentina, Cuba, Venezuela, Nuclear Program and a Dead Body


This is likely going to be the longest and wordiest post on this website, but it is germane to events today when it comes to Barack Obama spiking the football on the Iran nuclear deal.

Alberto Nisman is dead.

alberto nisman

I have been tracking this event in Argentina for several months and thanks to New Yorker magazine, several more items are now in better perspective.

After hanging around in WikiLeaks cables, more truth bubbles to the surface with regard to Barack Obama, Iran and inspections but more so, Iran’s further covert operations in Latin America, in our own hemisphere.


2 Comments on ran, Argentina, Cuba, Venezuela, Nuclear Program and a Dead Body

  1. Thanks for the link. I started to feel as though I was the only one following the horrific tragedy. There is not a single media outlet, right or left that will touch this story.

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