Ranchers Invite Pelosi to Border: Come See Why Your Fence Is Trash – IOTW Report

Ranchers Invite Pelosi to Border: Come See Why Your Fence Is Trash

Breitbart: Arizona ranchers living along the U.S.-Mexico border are again inviting House Majority Leader Nancy Pelosi — including airfare and accommodation — to visit their locales to see firsthand what they describe as an “insecure” southern border.

Chris Burgard introduces the video invitation, saying, “Right now, Americans have a greater chance of dying from an opioid overdose than they do in a car accident. Yet Nancy Pelosi openly rejects border facts that are presented to her by DHS Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen.”

Burgard adds, “My buddy John, his ranch is down on the border in Arizona. He says he’s had over two million illegal aliens and too many tons of narcotics come across his ranch. So a few years ago, he invited Nancy Pelosi to come down for a visit. He said he’d even send a plane for her.”  more

10 Comments on Ranchers Invite Pelosi to Border: Come See Why Your Fence Is Trash

  1. Nonstarter, they can’t afford to fund Pelosi’s travel on one of the government luxury planes and she’ll of course need a $1,000+ a night accommodations and you aren’t going to find that on or near the border.

  2. Pelosi isn’t interested in facts.

    Facts only confuse the narrative.

    When she was Speaker earlier, she wanted all the House fountains to be fed by the Tiber creek instead of the DC potable water system. This required tens of millions of dollars to divert the creek, eliminate two garage levels in the Rayburn Bldg., and import (from CA, of course) gigantic water tanks, recycling pumps, and engineers. The simple fact is that DC hasn’t the water problems of CA. The Potomac is the largest stream on the Eastern Seaboard and any water not used flushes into the Chesapeake. She’s NOT a moron – no one should make that mistake – every event is an opportunity for theft – for extortion – for some corrupt means to relieve the working men and women of America of their money and of their Freedoms and Liberty.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. On behalf of Nancy Pelosi, we respectfully decline. However, if you want to see a real wall that does keep the riff raff out, come to the Bay area and we’ll show you the wall around Nancy’s house.


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