Rand Paul: A Brave Marine Lt. Colonel Stepped Forward and Revealed that 15 US Agencies Knew COVID-19 Was Created in Lab in 2018 – IOTW Report

Rand Paul: A Brave Marine Lt. Colonel Stepped Forward and Revealed that 15 US Agencies Knew COVID-19 Was Created in Lab in 2018

– But They Kept It Secret from American Public.

11 Comments on Rand Paul: A Brave Marine Lt. Colonel Stepped Forward and Revealed that 15 US Agencies Knew COVID-19 Was Created in Lab in 2018

  1. First off, Rand Paul for President in 2028.
    Second off, the only way that happens is four years of Trump killing off the STATE. Formerly known as the deep state.
    Third, killing off the state is going to require military tribunals. Our justice system is political and frozen. Which will require some one like Mike Flynn to fix quickly should we be fortunate enough to get Trump as Pres.
    Fourth, what penalty would the founders prescribe to pieces of shit like this?

  2. @Aircubed

    Crimes Against Humanity could be a good start, and likely collusion with the WEF and WHO to pull it off. But would a charge like that work?

    It’s like the Nuremburg trials never happened. But the problem is, who is going to charge them and what to charge them with. If these US Agencies weren’t directly involved with the development of gain of function experiments that led to the covid and deaths either from that or the jab, they could claim ignorance of the ramifications or a toss up a bunch of other excuses.

    But I’m with you, there should be serious consequences for what they have done. Some of those doctors at the later Nuremburg (Doctor) trials were hung for their crimes.

  3. Senator Rand Paul is a member of the smallest minority in the U.S. Senate: Constitutionalists. That’s why nothing seems to come of his pronouncements, Turbo. There are only a couple of them.

  4. Uncle Al and Brad, why not bring back tar and feathering parties with lots of hot tar and feathers and doing it to them buck naked in the public square on live TV. And then ride them out of town on a rail and never let them back into polite society ever again under penalty of death by hanging them. Stocks would also work for minor offences, let the general public bring lots of rotten veggies, buckets of pee and poop etc. and have a blast throwing all that shit at them. I think that would be approved sanctions by our Founding fathers.


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