Rand Paul and Dr. Fauci Get Into It In The Middle Of Hearing Over Masks – IOTW Report

Rand Paul and Dr. Fauci Get Into It In The Middle Of Hearing Over Masks

Sen. Paul got in some good shots. Enjoy.

Or Here’s the short version, if you’d like.

16 Comments on Rand Paul and Dr. Fauci Get Into It In The Middle Of Hearing Over Masks

  1. Always liked Rand but have come to the conclusion he’s just another con man.

    He sticks to the nice save lines of question like why masks.

    He avoids the really criminal aspects of fauci’s crimes like fake pcr test numbers to lock down whole economies. He didn’t ask him why he calls the gene therapy shots a vaccine. These are crimes against humanity. Rand Paul won’t bring those up. And the reason he won’t is because the state wouldn’t like that. So he doesn’t. So who needs rand paul?

  2. Fauxci can’t even keep up in a discussion of real science.

    Attention whore.

    I wish these Senators had more than 5 minutes to ask questions.
    Every Sen. sitting there should have yielded their time to Rand Paul.

  3. Doesn’t really make any difference, Fauci’s the one that has the say so and Paul can do nothing more than gripe about it.

    There aren’t enough Republicans willing to take action to do anything about it.

  4. Asshole Mayor JOHN TURDY of Toronto is on TV this morning concerned that there are Too many spaces still available for people Above 80 to get their shots.
    They go by age up here and socioecconomic disadvantaged first. ie Native Indian) Apparently many spots that are not booked. At the same time Premier FAT ASSHOLE Doug Ford was upset that York Region just north of Toronto Proper is Already trying to jab 2nd level health care workers like Physio Therapists & radiologists. He wants them to stick to older people.

    What these 2 DO NOT understand is that If people still have no freedom AFTER the vaccine many will just take their time or wait to see if others get sick from it first.

    Also, York region is not a welfare state like Toronto Proper and they have less SJW, special interest groups & Alphabet soups to deal with. It is a working class town where people just want to get the fucking shot so they can go to work and make money again. (lots of Italians & Asians, etc. people who are motivated and believe in family)

    If the shot changes nothing according to FAUCCI and Toronto health board then WTF?

    People want to make a living and that is the real reason York region has people showing up.

  5. My response to Fauci is a middle finger salute and an eff you every time I see or hear this lying bastard. I am so sick of all this mask bullshit, end it now and let’s get back to normal. Come on doc we’re not a bunch of damn sheeple scared of our own shadows because of what you say. You’re like the boy who cried wolf one too many times, I don’t believe a single word you say about COVID and this shamdemic.

  6. If you want to deal with Fauci:

    List his businesses & how they make their money.
    List his salary & gross income.
    See who he employs through nepotism & publish.
    List all of his conflicting info (we already have)
    List all of his mistakes.

    NO VIOLENCE or THREATS, just embarrassment over his incompetence, inaccuracy, and profiteering.

    Incidentally, Doug Ford (premier of Ontario) owns DECO Labels is making a fortune from adhesive stickers, warning signs, Foot spacing Decals for floors, adhesive strips etc.

    He (or any of them) have not offered to reduce one penny of their government pay check in sympathy with the small businesses he forced closed in order to steer people to COSTCO, WALMART, SUPERSTORES etc. where people are collected in huge lines inside & out.

  7. Dr? Falsie is just like any elected official. He has done nothing but feather his nest. I heard that he has been in some form of government office since 1968. 53 years eating at the taxpayers trough. Beyond way too long.


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