Rand Paul: Andrew Cuomo should be impeached for coronavirus nursing home deaths – IOTW Report

Rand Paul: Andrew Cuomo should be impeached for coronavirus nursing home deaths

Washington Examiner: Sen. Rand Paul called for New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo to be removed from office as a result of his handling of the coronavirus pandemic.

“I think Gov. Cuomo should be impeached for what he did, for the disastrous decision he made to send patients with coronavirus back to nursing homes,” Paul said this week on Fox News’s Rundown podcast. “And virtually half his people who died were in nursing homes.”

Cuomo has taken heat in recent weeks from Republicans for a March 25 order that required some recovering coronavirus patients to be placed in nursing homes around the state.

The order was in effect for 46 days, when 6,000 recovering coronavirus patients were placed in homes or other long-term care facilities while they recovered from the virus. read more

13 Comments on Rand Paul: Andrew Cuomo should be impeached for coronavirus nursing home deaths

  1. Impeach then indict him for murder. This was a calculated and coordinated ploy to pump up the Covid death numbers just so they could blame it on President Trump… as we can all see!

  2. In a world where Epstein’s fake-suicide murder is a big meh,
    I suspect the Media and the other anti-Americans
    will merely continue to tongue-bathe him.

    If only he got 40% of the punishment he deserves !

  3. Mass murderer is the correct term. The people on 9-11 had a better chance at survival then the vulnerable people in the nursing homes once Cuomo sent Wuhan into the rest homes.


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