Rand Paul Blasts Congress Over “Monstrous” Relief Bill – IOTW Report

Rand Paul Blasts Congress Over “Monstrous” Relief Bill

Dan Bongino: Last night the House and Senate voted to pass a $900 billion coronavirus relief bill and $1.4 trillion government funding measure. Our Congressmen and women had a grand total of six hours to read through the nearly 6,000 pages in spending, meaning that no matter what, we need to “pass the bill to find out what is in it.”

Republican Senator Rand Paul took to the floor to criticize his fellow Republicans, who he accused of abandoning their fiscal integrity.  “To so-called conservatives who are quick to identify the socialism of Democrats: If you vote for this spending monstrosity, you are no better” he said. more

23 Comments on Rand Paul Blasts Congress Over “Monstrous” Relief Bill

  1. A brilliant call into Larry O’Connor on WMAL today. Simply brilliant.

    Invite Pelosi and national media cameras down to the Oval Office for a ceremony, with the Bill to sign.
    Then do what pelosi did after the last State of the Union.

    Tear it in half and leave the room.

    My take? Make sure camera angle picks up the pelosi jaw drop.

  2. 2/3’s Can’t Veto.

    Ted Cruz Posted a wonderful Meme in the Christmas Vacation Motif…Shows Clark

    Griswold reading that in lieu of a Xmas Bonus a Donation of $700 Billion has

    been made on behalf of His Name to Sudan

  3. joe6pak – Trump has more hair on his ass than the entire GOP group of frauds and traitors.

    None of us has any basis for doubting this man, in any way. We should be so grateful to him for exposing the hell that is our fake, corrupt government.

  4. Somebody had time to write a 6000 page clusterfuck of irresponsible spending but nobody had time to read it before voting for it. The 2020 election isn’t the only voting problem we have.

  5. A coronavirus relief bill?

    Does that mean all the implemented communist mandates on our lives is going to be reduced and our freedoms restored?

    Didn’t think so.

    I’d trade $600 for freedom in a heartbeat, or at the very least to make the maskholes disappear.

  6. this bill must’ve been written in the dark halls of mordor where no politician had any clue whatsoever what they were putting in it. Then SURPRISE ! ! ! Plop, there it is on their desk, all 6000 pages of it with a timer on top. 6 hours…GO


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