Sen. Rand Paul calls for Fauci to be jailed for lying to Congress – IOTW Report

Sen. Rand Paul calls for Fauci to be jailed for lying to Congress

Wa Ex

Sen. Rand Paul has called for Dr. Anthony Fauci to be fired and even jailed, claiming he broke the law by lying to Congress.

The Kentucky Republican said leaked documents that emerged on Tuesday reveal that the National Institutes of Health funded coronavirus research in Wuhan, China. Fauci claimed on May 11 the NIH hadn’t funded coronavirus research at the lab. Paul said Fauci’s lying is a felony punishable by five years in jail and told Fox News he has referred Fauci’s lies to the Department of Justice.

“It’s a felony punishable by five years in jail. We’ve referred it to the Department of Justice.I don’t think Biden’s Department of Justice will do anything with it, but yes, it is very dangerous to have public officials, who we need to have trust in, coming and lying to us,” Paul told Sean Hannity on Tuesday night.

The senator also said the leaked documents reveal the virus came out of a biosafety level-3 lab, which he claimed nobody believes is secure enough for dangerous pathogens. The researchers then modified the diseases by adding s-proteins to make the virus more transmissible, Paul said. read more

20 Comments on Sen. Rand Paul calls for Fauci to be jailed for lying to Congress

  1. Nope. Thanks for playing tho.

    …now have an unconstitutional “vaccine mandate” that will put 100 million people out of work by devastating every part of the economy for DARING to question your betters.

    Got anything ELSE to say, smot guy?

    We’ve got plenty more punishments for your people if you do…

  2. “… public officials, who we need to have trust in …”
    That’s a pretty Pollyanna-ish sentiment.
    I haven’t trusted a public official (except trusted it to lie and deceive) since the Kennedy Presidency and I was 10 when he died.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Too bad we have a selective DOJ that gets to pick and choose. They need to go as well. What the hell are we paying them for??? zip. Anyone else getting of paying these rats for working for the other side??

  4. Yes, jail him. Assemble a Nuremburg style Military Tribunal. Have them try him for Crimes Against Humanity. Find him guilty. Sentence to death by hanging then bury in an unmarked grave.

  5. “… then bury in an unmarked grave.”

    The Nuremburg convicted were cremated and their ashes strewn to the winds to prevent gatherings of Nazi diehards at their graves.

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. There’s been a constant cacophony of noise down here lately…
    they’re building a Fauci Wing for him and the rest of the Satanists soon to called back home.

    For America, not soon enough.


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