Rand Paul Discusses Whistleblower Eric Ciaramella During Floor Speech: “Were they plotting in the halls of congress to bring down this president?” – IOTW Report

Rand Paul Discusses Whistleblower Eric Ciaramella During Floor Speech: “Were they plotting in the halls of congress to bring down this president?”

CTH: Earlier today Senator Rand Paul delivered his remarks on impeachment from the Senate floor.  During his remarks Senator Paul highlighted the real and present danger of allowing agents within government to plot against a sitting president.

Senator Paul asks the same question he presented to Chief Justice John Roberts as the presiding officer of the Senate trial.  A question Roberts refused to ask:

“Are you aware that House intelligence committee staffer Shawn Misko had a close relationship with Eric Ciaramella while at the National Security Council together; and are you aware -and how do you respond to- reports that Ciaramella and Misko may have worked together to plot impeaching the President before there were formal house impeachment proceedings?“


6 Comments on Rand Paul Discusses Whistleblower Eric Ciaramella During Floor Speech: “Were they plotting in the halls of congress to bring down this president?”

  1. This was brilliant. Everyone should really watch this, saw it earlier over at CTH.

    Question: IF no one supposedly knows who the ‘whistleblower’ is (Schiff included) and no one is or has been willing to say the damn name?

    How did the SCOTUS Roberts know NOT to mention the name??

    Paul mentioned TWO names, that’s it, no mention of a whistleblower.

    Talk about playing serious chess.

  2. Still think we can exist together as a country, or should we divorce and separate?

    This isn’t going to end you know, we ARE at war with each other, hoping to not openly get caught ..


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