Rand Paul gave the real State of the Union – IOTW Report

Rand Paul gave the real State of the Union

WaEx: “Tonight, you heard a speech by someone who doesn’t know what’s going on in the union,” Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul said Tuesday night. “Or at least he is hoping you don’t know.”

President Joe Biden delivered the State of the Union address Tuesday, but it was Paul who provided the real State of the Union. Whereas Biden spent much of the night vilifying Russian President Vladimir Putin and the crisis in Ukraine, it was Paul who put the focus back on the plight of the American people. When Biden did get around to addressing the United States, he described an alternate reality, ignoring the harsh conditions that have inundated the country during his presidency.

“What’s the state of the union? Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has led to the worst crisis in Europe since World War II. Massive inflation is everywhere, the likes of which we haven’t seen since the malaise of Jimmy Carter,” Paul said. “Parents are frustrated from almost two years of bureaucrats messing with their kids’ schooling. Everyday Americans seeing their freedom, jobs, and livelihoods stolen from them by petty tyrants drunk on power with lockdowns and mandates.”

Paul eviscerated Biden for all of his policy failures from his first year in office. “The state of the union — is frankly pretty poor, and Americans are largely unhappy with Biden’s performance,” Paul said emphatically. more here

8 Comments on Rand Paul gave the real State of the Union

  1. Biden’s truth for America is for our entire country to become zackly like Chicago, Detroit, Baltimore, seattle, Portland, parts of Minnesota, and other democratic caused hell holes suffering under the policies and cultural Marxism of leftist ideology.

    And it certainly makes Rand Paul’s ideology more centrist and American then the dnc assclowns.

    Thanks Mr. Paul for being like a “John the Baptist” crying in the swamp.

  2. The goal of the Dirty Dems is to make everyone equally miserable while making themselves rich and powerful.
    Also, none of them has ever actually done anything. Just politics.
    No business experience. Nothing.

  3. @pianamusic
    Brandon’s pedophilic behavior is ingrained in his very core. That is how he can be a fumbling, incoherent, and robotic speaker, and still be able to focus on his prey.


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