Rand Paul: ‘Get a speaker with a spine’ – IOTW Report

Rand Paul: ‘Get a speaker with a spine’


U.S. Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., took aim at Speaker of the House Mike Johnson on Sunday, saying he wishes there were “a speaker with a spine” on federal budget issues.

Appearing on “Sunday Morning Futures” with Maria Bartiromo on the Fox News Channel, Paul was discussing America’s debt ceiling, and explained: “I’m one of the conservatives that has never voted to raise debt ceiling, but there are circumstances in which I would, and I’ve put those forward before.”

“I have a plan to balance the budget in five years. If we had a speaker with a spine who put forward a budget and a plan to cut spending over a five-year period to balance the budget, I’ll vote to raise the debt ceiling ’cause you still have to add debt during that five years.

“What happens typically, and this is where President Trump is right, since conservatives don’t vote for it, the liberals rule the day and they say we’ll vote for the debt ceiling but only if you spend more and create more debt. So it backfires. MORE HERE

29 Comments on Rand Paul: ‘Get a speaker with a spine’

  1. ““I’m one of the conservatives that has never voted to raise debt ceiling, but there are circumstances in which I would, and I’ve put those forward before.

    Dear Rand, if you want the illegals out of our country you will need to raise the debt ceiling. Mr.Liberty’s head will explode. But unfortunately that’s the truth.

  2. I’m thinking we could pay for deportation by freezing payments for immigrant services, welfare for working age deadbeats, demanding payment of student loans, eliminating the sending of welfare payments out of the country, eliminate interpreter services, all government documents printed in English only. That’s just a start, I’m sure I’m missing some.

  3. @Brad — The CBO estimated that the cost of illegal immigration was about $1,156 for each American taxpayer. There are about 160 million taxpayers. Multiply the two and you get about $185 billion. If it were possible to redirect those costs to deportation, that would go along way to getting rid of the illegals directly, and giving a large incentive to the rest to get themselves back where they belong. There may well not be any need to raise the debt ceiling to get rid of the bums.

  4. Uncle Al

    Now hold on there buddy.
    “The CBO estimated that the cost of illegal immigration was about $1,156 for each American taxpayer.” How much would we need to raise the debt ceiling to accommodate that? That’s not included in the current accounting is it? In all actuality deporting them will be the cheapest alternative. But it will still require an elevated debt ceiling. Yes, or am I full of poo poo?

  5. @Brad — The debt ceiling is currently suspended and is due to go back into effect Jan. 1 when it will be automatically raised to match the amount of debt that has been issued by the Treasury Department. I think, but I’m not sure, that would include debt issued to cover expenses of illegal alien benefits and other costs through the end of the year.

  6. @Brad — Arbitrarily? Sorta. Treasury went into deeper debt because the ceiling was suspended. Treasury decided how much debt. Congress said before they knew how much that would be that it would be covered by the new ceiling imposed 1/1/2025.

    Now I really mean it! 😑 G’night!

  7. *sigh* *yawn* Congress SUSPENDED the debt ceiling. While it was suspended Treasury was allowed to run up pretty much all the debt they felt like knowing that Congress had given them a LITERAL blank check.

    So in today’s totally FUCKED UP situation, Congress did NOT establish the value of the ceiling.

  8. you’re right. the debt ceiling has not changed since the last CR.

    but it WILL CHANGE JAN. 1 to a value reflecting the then current debt, and the change will require NO congressional action.

  9. Mike Johnson is a Pinocchio puppet that thinks that the Honest John and Gideon democrats are his best pals. He has no smarts or understanding.

    This hapless waif BS will stop.


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