Rand Paul grills Blinken on Kabul airstrike in heated hearing – IOTW Report

Rand Paul grills Blinken on Kabul airstrike in heated hearing

Sen. Rand Paul questions Secretary of State Antony Blinken at Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearing.

16 Comments on Rand Paul grills Blinken on Kabul airstrike in heated hearing

  1. Question: Afghanistan, blah blah blah.
    Blinken’s answer: It’s Trump’s fault. Next question.

    Next question: Afghanistan, blah blah blah.
    Blinken’s answer: It’s Trump’s fault. Next question.

    Next question: Afghanistan, blah blah blah.
    Blinken’s answer: It’s Trump’s fault. Next question.

    And so forth and so forth.

  2. I hate to admit this, even more to myself, but ever since what’s-his-name (Bullet Head with the sausage hands) gave Killery the questions for her upcoming show in front of the Senate Oversight Committee concerning her email servers and Benghazi, and when absolutely NOTHING happened to her after she screeched “What difference does it make?”, I have ZERO expectation that anything that comes from ANY oversight committee will come to naught. Zip. Nada. Barr told internal investigators to stand down on known voter fraud in the ’20 GE and he was supposed to be on OUR SIDE! How less further do any of us imagine this regime to act on any kind of contempt or — who knows? — criminal charge against the Congress with career Democrats holding all the gates of power in the Administrative State?


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