Rand Paul Launches “Never Nikki” Website – IOTW Report

Rand Paul Launches “Never Nikki” Website

Never Nikki. Not now. Not ever.

8 Comments on Rand Paul Launches “Never Nikki” Website

  1. I’m pretty hawkish, so the first part of Haley’s swamp activity wasn’t the worst, but it gets more and more nauseating as your read Rand’s list. She’s just a piece of GOP shit that should have been left behind with Bush. Same with that backstabbing parasite McConnell and that fraud Graham.

  2. “As I look over the field, I don’t think I yet have a first choice,”

    He’s basing the “Never Nikki” on her war-mongering military stance with the world.

    Rand Paul sounds like a moron if his first choice is not Trump. Trump had FOUR years of PEACE – NO WARS!

    A proven president that avoided and prevented war his whole term in office.

    #Trump2024 or BUST!


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