Rand Paul: Maybe Ilhan Omar Would ‘Appreciate America More’ if She Visited Somalia – IOTW Report

Rand Paul: Maybe Ilhan Omar Would ‘Appreciate America More’ if She Visited Somalia


Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) told Breitbart News on Wednesday that maybe if Representative Ilhan Omar (D-MN) visited Somalia, “she might come back and appreciate America more.”

The senator was responding to a question on why he defended President Donald Trump over his recent tweets that had  sparked outrage among many on the left.

“I’ve met people who have come here from behind the Iron Curtain,”Paul said. “They got away from communism, they’re some of the best Americans we have, because they really appreciate how great our country is, and then I hear Representative Omar say America is a terrible place.”

“Well, she came here and we fed her, we clothed her, she got welfare, she got [schooling], she got healthcare, and then, lo and behold, she has the honor of actually winning a seat in Congress, and she says we’re a terrible country? I think that’s about as ungrateful as you can get,” continued the senator. more here

11 Comments on Rand Paul: Maybe Ilhan Omar Would ‘Appreciate America More’ if She Visited Somalia

  1. I’d kick in some bucks to help, but only if there were two funds: one for outbound only, and a different one for local accommodations in Somalia and her return.

    I don’t have a lot of disposable money, so I could only afford to donate to that first one.

  2. Aw geez, no, don’t send her back. We have enough trouble right now with wealthy, influential, brain dead democrats trying to turn America into Venezuela. The last thing we need is to start a war with Somalia by sending her over there. How bout we compromise and drop her off half way?

  3. A devoted, sharia-compliant muslim believes the U.S. is The Big Devil. When one understands her perspective, it’s far easier to understand what she says.

  4. She will be going there in a Short time Hopefully she gets her citizenship withdrawn and she has to go back to Somalia where a a loud mouthed woman like her is stoned to death (I can dream can’t I).

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