RAND PAUL: ‘NO security’ if Scalise wasn’t at GOP baseball practice – IOTW Report

RAND PAUL: ‘NO security’ if Scalise wasn’t at GOP baseball practice

American Mirror: According to Sen. Rand Paul, if shooting victim Rep. Steve Scalise wasn’t at the Republican baseball team practice this morning, the attack would have been a whole lot worse.

Appearing on MSNBC, Paul said he heard 50 or 60 shots as the gunman continued to reload and players scrambled for cover.

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23 Comments on RAND PAUL: ‘NO security’ if Scalise wasn’t at GOP baseball practice

  1. All these manufactured LIES from the democrats and the MSM caused this situation.
    The democrats are closer to the fringe element. The mainstream of the democrat base are hate filled, delusional radicals. It is all rooted in political, ideological differences. The first thing the media does is look to connect this to Republicans. Now they try to ignore the established link to democrat ideology and their message of hate.

  2. This might be a great argument to nationalize uniform conceal carry reciprocity currently being discussed in DC.

    Thank you, to all the left-wing nut jobs who have and will continue to help in this area.

  3. When will we get to the bottom of absolutely identifying the money people behind the “resist” movement? Just like the 99%-ers (Occupy), the so-called “antifa”, “BLM”, and other national Leftist initiatives, there has to be both political and financial backing in order for these efforts to persist. Things like Bob Creamer and other operatives who are outed by O’Keefe and other citizen journalists need to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. It shouldn’t matter if the MSM covers these stories or not. It’s as though there is no crime unless CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NPR, or NBC say so. That is not justice. And it is not justice to have activist judges ruling from the bench to dismiss cases or the 9th or 4th circuit overturning a lower court’s righteous ruling.

    The next battle from the WH must be the judicial system in this country.

  4. @Time to wake up people — I think they mean that if Scalise hadn’t been at the practice, his security people wouldn’t have been there either. It’s confusing, though, because I’m understanding that it was Capitol Police who returned fire.

  5. There are many on Twitter identifying themselves by name as hate-filled mentally defunct leftists who are celebrating this shooting.

    It sure is a target-rich environment. Stay armed, permit or no permit.

  6. This is how CBS News is spinning it on the radio right now…

    “…a gunman shot Republicans and others…”

    “…five people were injured today when a gunman opened fire at a congressional baseball practice…”

  7. I heard that the CP security detail was cooling it inside their black SUV when the leftist wacko opened fire. I don’t know if that is true or if it would make a difference in response time, but police everywhere need to know that sitting in their cars is not a good idea. The three cops who were murdered on the Champs d’Elysee were not walking on patrol. They were sitting in their car when they were killed.

  8. Watched some bint on CNN on with an FBI and former Sec. Service agent. Even though the shooter had been identified, his social media filled with anti-Trump, anti-GOP posts and asking the one Congressman were they (the guys playing ball) Republican or Democrat, the stupid bint was trying to get her guests to agree with her it was way to early in the investigation to draw a conclusion.

    Let’s see, no evidence on Trump/Russia collusion and they still focus on it day in and out for over a year as if its fact. Shooter identified and motive pretty much established – eh, lets not jump to conclusions. Like Rush said, if it was Democrat congressman shot and the shooter was a Tea Party guy, the guilt and motive would be 24/7 news.

    More blood on the media / Democrats hands today.

  9. I’m still trying to decide what motivated Nancy Pelosi’s statement today.

    Is she rattling on without being aware what has happened?
    She has been out there somewhere for a while.

    Or is she mentally alert enough to realize that the motivation for this shooting may clearly be seen as the logical outcome of the hate the demonrats and the left have sewn over the previous months. Realization that it’s not always good to get what you wished for.

    Nancy P was just on the radio condemning the shooting, praying for the success of Donald Trump and the safety of his family.

    Now why would N.P. say that just after the shooting – When their rhetoric has just born the juicy fruit of the hate they’ve sewn over the last months?

  10. I see the D.C. swamp is “coming together” after this shooting. Paul Ryan had a prepared speech. Nancy Pelosi is now “praying President Trump’s presidency to be successful.” She just lost her right to criticize him EVER AGAIN.

    I think they are capitalizing on this shooting politically by trying to invoke sympathy for them. “That could have been one of us!” And for the American people to back off because I get a sense they know that their time is short.

    They’ll all come together for a week and the left will start their bullshit again just like after 9/11.

    This motivated shooting falls SOLELY on the left side of the aisle and they know it.

  11. DC has strict laws concerning the carrying of weapons, probably because it’s full of politicians who know that they just may get shot at by a pissed off citizen. Basically, it’s a big ass gun free zone. You’ll never see something like this happen where carry is permitted.

  12. It will be very interesting to see how fast the legislative body gets to work find their candy butts more security. They certainly don’t want to work on taxes, budget, REPEALING government meddled medical care, helping President Trump control immigration and the rest of his agenda, for which, we the people voted to put him in office.

    Get off their obstructive butts. Cancel ANOTHER the August recess, YOURE NOT IN SCHOOL. Get to work.

  13. each of us must write our Congressman and our two Senators to not allow the Left to use this Leftist hate-crime as an opportunity to push for more Gun Control. Instead they need to push back with more gun-rights laws. Such as, at a minimum,
    1) National law requiring states to change CCL process to “Shall Issue”
    2) National law providing for nationwide CCL reciprocity, including American possessions like P.R. and American Samoa, etc
    3) Pass the Hearing Rights Protection ACT

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