Rand Paul: ‘Open Borders’ Rubio Is ‘Way Out of Step’ With American People – IOTW Report

Rand Paul: ‘Open Borders’ Rubio Is ‘Way Out of Step’ With American People

“I think this is Rubio’s greatest weakness. “He’s for open borders.”

rand paul marco rubio


Paul explained that on immigration, “Rubio is way out of step with what the American people want.”

Indeed, 92 percent of the GOP electorate, according to Pew, would like to see future projected immigration growth reduced. However, Rubio has repeatedly voted and expressed his desire to expand immigration on top of today’s all-time highs. read more

11 Comments on Rand Paul: ‘Open Borders’ Rubio Is ‘Way Out of Step’ With American People

  1. I can’t stand Rubio, Carson, Huckabeast, Graham, Christie, Fiorina and that Jeb guy.

    Had a Rand Paul person go door to door in my neighborhood campaigning. I told him we were a Cruz family, but I do like Paul and he’s second. OK I lied, he’s third, but I guess what I’m saying in my not getting to the point way is, I guess I wouldn’t die if Paul became preezy. lol.

    Btw, why is Romney always butting in? I can’t stand him either. He’s always answering a question he wasn’t asked.

  2. Last time I checked, Rand, so were you.

    Via “On the Issues”

    Q: You have said that the 11 million immigrants in this country already here should have some legal status and pay taxes. You want to find some sort of legal status for them?

    PAUL: What I want to do first is secure the border. If we secure the border and we can say who is coming, who is going, and only people come, come legally, the 11 million that are here, I think there could be a work status for them. And I think what I have tried to say is, what we want is more legal immigration, so we have less illegal immigration. But I am open to immigration reform. I voted against the bill that came forward, though, primarily because it limited the number of legal work visas.
    Source: CBS Face the Nation 2015 coverage:2016 presidential hopefuls , Apr 12, 2015

    Secure the border? Never going to happen, and it’s useless without deporting the ones here illegally now. They will continue to flood in and overstay their (legal) visas.

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