Rand Paul questions McConnell diagnosis post-freeze ups – IOTW Report

Rand Paul questions McConnell diagnosis post-freeze ups

JTN: Kentucky Republican Rep. Rand Paul on Wednesday questioned the medical opinion of Capitol Hill attending physician Brian Monahan, who cleared Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell to return to work following a second high-profile freeze.

McConnell recently froze in the face of reporter questions for roughly 30 seconds, prompting speculation as to his health and fitness for office. He previously suffered a similar freeze in July during a press conference. Prior to that, he incurred a severe concussion from a fall, which Monahan suggested may be the cause of his freezes. The doctor stated that “[o]ccasional lightheadedness is not uncommon in concussion recovery and can also be expected as a result of dehydration.” 

Paul, an ophthalmologist, expressed skepticism of Monahan’s comments, telling The Hill that “[w]hen you get dehydrated you don’t have moments where your eyes look in the distance with a vacant look and you’re sort of basically unconscious with your eyes open. That is not a symptom of dehydration.” MORE

McConnell vows to remain Senate GOP leader amid freeze ups, calls to resign

8 Comments on Rand Paul questions McConnell diagnosis post-freeze ups

  1. This is why the Republican establishment didn’t even comment when Nader shit his pants on National television. 80% of them are one fart away from doing the same. Both Parties are infested with these types who should have long since stepped down.

  2. …I agree he’s a dried-up prune.
    Everything else is bullshit.

    …If I showed up at the hospital with a TIA or seizure patient and told them I gave Gatorade because they were dehydrated, the NICEST thing I’d get is laughed at.

    That’s the minimum that should happen to the guy who said THAT, too.

    Even if you accepted that, why would pampered, constantly attended Turtle EVER get dehydrated to that point, not once but TWICE (that we know of)? Does he have a diarrhea problem you’re hiding, apart from the runny shit that comes out of his mouth?

    …they aren’t even bothering to lie convincingly any more.

  3. Everyone ages, some do it with dignity. Unfortunately, that is clearly not the case within the major Parties. I had a girl friend whose best friend worked for a State Senator and as such was invited to parties in Olympia in the early 1980’s. Politicians wives and such were absolutely the lowest most exploitative, insecure creatures I have ever come across. Not all of them, but enough of them to make a lasting impression on me.

    For their wives to not put a stop to this kind of shit tells you everything you need know about their families.

  4. There is more than medicine here. Mitch is a far lefty and Rand is conservative. I’m with Rand; I want Mitch out, but not his age – his long history of leftist politics! Age is a poor excuse. An old Ronny was aMUCH, MUCH BETER President than a young liberal GWB!

    Late disclaimer:
    I’m biased. Never voted for the lefty GWB! Did not like lefties 23 years ago; still do not!

  5. would you get on a people mover if the driver had a history of freezing with his brain locked up?

    why would you let a guy run the senate if you would not trust him to drive a taxi?

  6. Don’t care if he freeze frames permanently. The Tuttle is Hell bent on dying his way out of Congress instead of leaving and letting someone replace him beforehand. A person this evil deserves a Hellish eternity.


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