Rand Paul raised hell on Senate floor – IOTW Report

Rand Paul raised hell on Senate floor

“We should never forget fiscal responsibility, even in a crisis. My amendment seeks to offset the new spending by making numerous cuts in less important areas.” – Watch

21 Comments on Rand Paul raised hell on Senate floor

  1. …what, you mean you can’t just print more money? That worked pretty well in The American South during the Civil War, Weimar Germany, Zimbabwe, Venezuela, etc., etc., usw., right?


    …Democrats are pretty determined to wreck us. Seems like we’re set to HELP them.

    …Over NOTHING but a trumped-up panic and a LOT of hatred from them…

  2. Such an excellent speech.

    We so need line-item veto for the president.

    Unfortunately, Congressers are mostly irresponsible, corrupt, or just beholden to their lobbyist campaign funders.

  3. There are hundreds of billions that could be cut from the budget that would not only do no harm, they would improve things.

    We saw an example just the other day when it was revealed the cdc spends money on promoting trannies and bs like that.

    Then when their budget is cut, they whine that they can’t do their real jobs, like fighting disease. The whole gov’t is like that.

    How much of our defense budget is spent to promote homo and tranny stuff? Probably a lot.

  4. Rand Paul is a lone voice of intelligence in a house of stupid. Shooting tax dollars from a canon like Monopoly cash is scaring the c”p out of me. This world has survived far worse conditions than this -Chinese- Flu Virus. The population of first world people are so freaking pampered how will they ever survive? Government! holy shite we’re so grateful for FREE monetary solutions to everything. :((

  5. I’m a Trump supporter but I totally disagree with his push to get to negative interest rates particularly when we were in a robust economy. Now lets pump another trillion out and bail out airlines and send checks to people, many that don’t need them if they are still employed. This is going to end up with Stagflation – high unemployment and inflation and it is going to be severely damaging. Some of these sectors are not coming back anytime soon. People are not going to run back to travel or cruise or fly internationally particularly if they just got hit by the travel restrictions personally. Business travel is not going to resume now that everyone is in a work at home, no travel pattern and businesses see it cuts costs. Restaurants and bars are not going to be back to normal overnight for a host of reasons. If we continue to be in a forced semi-quarantine situation in another month people that live paycheck to paycheck are going to be defaulting on loans and mortgages.

    Trump is not a conservative and he does NOT have debt under control. Debt destroys people and it will destroy this country. Cutting the budget here and there is pocket change when you have entitlements – social security, medicare and medicaid that consume 2/3 or more of it. And growing loan interest.

  6. Unfortunately, there are only a handful of Republicans in D.C. who don’t like to spend money.
    I think it’s pretty obvious to most of us this will end up mainly as a bailout to the airlines, corporate owned restaurants and hotels, with a few crumbs thrown to the workers and independently owned small businesses.

  7. Expect every Goddamn fleabag moocher and gimmedat in the country to be shifting into overdrive trying to put the immortal, or should I say Immoral, words of Rham Emanuel into practice. They have already dropped the green flag in the Seattle Times and the race is on
    Amid coronavirus response, Congress must support parks and open-space fund

    You never let a serious crisis go to waste. And what I mean by that it’s an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before.
    Rahm Emanuel

  8. “Anything but cash payments to individual, adult citizens”

    I’m phrasing this so simply, even a Republican can understand.

    Do you know how Donald Trump became President of The United States? The (Uni-)Party was told, in no uncertain terms, “Anybody, but Hillary.” But, of course, they didn’t believe. But Bernie’s a socialist! And he’s not Hillary. But Tim Kaine’s not world famous! And he’s not Hillary. You’d never vote for someone as vile, inexperienced, and gross as Drumpf! He’s not Hillary.

    If President Trump does not, utterly, destroy, The (Uni-)Party’s dream of, “Again, only harder” for this, their latest return to the same, utter, welfare failure, and we’re going “Anybody, but Republicans.” Yes, that includes Republicans named “Trump”.

    Payments to adults (even non-citizens) because they have children? Anybody but Trump. Joe Biden’s senile! But he’s not Trump.

    Additional credit to “families” (even if they’re all the same gender), beyond simple, identical cash to each adult? Anybody but Trump. Hillary’s cheating her way back into the White House!? But she’s not Trump.

    Tax “credits”? Even if they’re more than taxes paid? Anybody but Trump.

    But… but… the gender non-binary running against “my” Republican is a Democratic-Socialist! How was the “stimulus” paid? There you go.

    But! They’ll “nationalize” “my” business! Then, maybe, you don’t want to Hillary this one?

    Not I! Look at my bowtie red hat! Good for you. Enjoy global communism. Or, get it through… your… Republican… sized… skull… Anything! but flat rate, per citizen, cash money (and, yes, zero dollars, for all, actually, does MATH — hat tip to Andrew Yang), and it all burns down. Moan about your “Boomer Remover” bad feelz, all you want. It won’t change the “shock” come November. It won’t stop, even if you “Hold (some of) the line”, in November. Four years on, and The Bernie Bros are still flinging matches at the DNC. How long do you “Constitutional Conservatives” think you can “hold the line”? We were all on the same side, with “Anybody, but Hillary.” Now, you Republicans can decide if you want to stand with the Democrats, again. I know… it’s The (Uni-)Party. There’s really not a (Wuhan) lick of difference, between you. That’s why the “Republican” “stimulus” “plan” is a “Democrat” welfare plan… from a decade ago. That’s why the torches are already lit.

  9. Rand Paul is a typical grandstanding huckster politician. Clown College and gas stations in Pakistan don’t amount to a hill of beans, and he knows it. Let’s see someone show some backbone and bring the Presidential Line Item Veto back into the discussion.

  10. Remember the Obama government shutdowns? It brought to light a large government expense that is not necessary, the nonessential bureaucrat. To recoup these bailout funds, that would be an excellent starting point.

  11. ” … bring the Presidential Line Item Veto back into the discussion.”

    Already ruled unconstitutional since a line item veto allows rewriting a bill and effectively takes powers reserved to the Legislative branch and gives it to the Executive branch, a major violation of the division, separation, and delegation of powers outlined in the Constitution.

  12. Ok, OKBOOMERS, chill the F out, and learn to speak in complete coherent sentences, not Bernie talking points and Che Guevera memes. Go ahead and start your own little communist utopia somewhere else. Mars maybe? Elon can help you with that if you can fuel his rocket with rage and envy.


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