Rand Paul Roasts Mueller For Abusing His Authority, Calls Cohen Raid A ‘Great Overstep’ [VIDEO] – IOTW Report

Rand Paul Roasts Mueller For Abusing His Authority, Calls Cohen Raid A ‘Great Overstep’ [VIDEO]

DC: Republican Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky said the FBI crossed the line with its raid of President Donald Trump’s attorney Michael Cohen, calling it a “great overstep” Tuesday on “America’s Newsroom.”

“The first question we ought to ask is what does this have to do with Russia,” Paul said. “I thought the special prosecutor was investigating Russian collusion. Going after someone’s personal attorney is a great overstep I think, in the authority of the prosecutor.”

“This is why I have opposed really having special prosecutors for almost anything,” Paul continued. “I think they abuse their authority. I think Mueller has abused his authority. They say. well he asked somebody else, another U.S. Attorney to do it. Yes but this is coming at the behest of Mueller.”

Paul said the investigation has spun out of control and warned Americans that this abuse of power may last well after Trump leaves the White House. more here

10 Comments on Rand Paul Roasts Mueller For Abusing His Authority, Calls Cohen Raid A ‘Great Overstep’ [VIDEO]

  1. GWB’s buddy from SC Lindsey is writing an UNIPARTY law to protect GWB’s other buddy Mueller from Don!

    The left has run BOTH parties for 28 years! Libs still “lead” BOTH parties!


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