Randa Jarrar’s Ex-Husband Speaks Out: ‘She Destroyed Many Lives’ – IOTW Report

Randa Jarrar’s Ex-Husband Speaks Out: ‘She Destroyed Many Lives’

Dangerous: When Orie Cipollaro was 25 years old, he sat down next to a pair of beautiful young ladies in a bar near Sarah Lawrence College.

“They were not  getting enough attention, so they started to make out with one another,” he says. “At 25 years old, joining in was definitely in my wheelhouse. Here started my relationship with the infamous Randa Jarrar.”

Jarrar, an English professor at California State University-Fresno, made headlines last week when, just an hour after former First Lady Barbara Bush passed away at age 92, she tweeted, “Barbara Bush was a generous and smart and amazing racist who, along with her husband, raised a war criminal. F#ck outta here with your nice words.”

After receiving a backlash, Jarrar, who identifies as an “Arab American Muslim American woman” doubled down on her tirade, tweeting, “PSA: either you are against these pieces of sh!t and their genocidal ways or you’re part of the problem. That’s actually how simple this is. I’m happy the witch is dead. Can’t wait for the rest of her family to fall to their demise the way 1.5 million Iraqis have.” She also said she was glad “George W. Bush is probably really sad right now.”

She then went on to brag that she makes over $100,000 a year and “will never be fired,” because of her tenured professor status. She is presently on leave from Fresno and the school announced they would be investigating the situation.

Following the scuff up, the left rushed to defend Jarrar. The feminist author and professor pounced on her critics, fashioning herself a prêt-à-porter victim of various supremacies, -ogynies and -phobias.

Cipollaro reached out to DANGEROUS to tell a different story, one of a spoiled-little-rich-girl he came to see as ungrateful, deceitful, and vindictive who’d ruined many lives of those around her.

Cipollaro, who provided a birth certificate for their son and a copy of their marriage license,  says Jarrar grew up in one of the richest communities in America: Greenwich, Connecticut, in a house on a famed estate. Her parents were of Egyptian and Palestinian origin and fled Kuwait to come to the U.S., where Jarrar was born.

After they met, an affair ensued and Cipollaro, now an electrician and tour manager, describes being roped into an intoxicating world of bisexual sex and threesomes with the future professor.  MORE

20 Comments on Randa Jarrar’s Ex-Husband Speaks Out: ‘She Destroyed Many Lives’

  1. Obviously she didn’t start out as a land whale.

    Also, as proven through out all of recorded history, the male anatomy does not have sufficient blood flow to have both heads working simultaneously.

  2. He and his family (by their lights) did the right thing by taking her in. Everyone gets a break when they’re young. They didn’t know how crazy and toxic back she was at first.

    I feel badly for the father and especially the son, who is likely to turn on both of them in very bad ways.

  3. Again, this is not a first amendment issue. The government did not pass any law that abridged this woman’s right to speak her vile comments. The 1st amendment does guarantee that her vile words will not be consequence free. Nor is there any constitutional right to a $100k professorship job. Fire her big butt and she can continue to be free to spew her vicious words.

  4. I can really identify with this guy. When I married her, my first wife was the hottest-looking woman I had ever dated, and everyone was impressed that I was able to land such a catch. But it was all physical looks, not the true beauty that comes from the heart. Anyway, I was young, dumb, and full of – uh, beans – so I didn’t realize that, and we got married. When we finally got divorced, she could have given Jarrar a run for her money, looks-wise, and I was sadder but wiser.

    Ah, well. We learn by doing.


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