Rangel: No Guns For Law-Abiding Constituents But I ‘Deserve–Need’ Police Protection – IOTW Report

Rangel: No Guns For Law-Abiding Constituents But I ‘Deserve–Need’ Police Protection

DailyCaller: WASHINGTON — New York Democratic Rep. Charlie Rangel says members of Congress “deserve” and “need” people with firearms protecting them in the U.S. Capitol building, but he does not want law-abiding residents in his own district to be armed for self-protection.

Rangel made this distinction when he spoke to The Daily Caller Tuesday night about New York Police Department’s gun permitting bribery scandal.  MORE

8 Comments on Rangel: No Guns For Law-Abiding Constituents But I ‘Deserve–Need’ Police Protection

  1. Fortunately, we, the citizens of the US, not of Tax Cheatin’ Charlie’s constituency, don’t need HIS Royal Permission to purchase firearms for self-defense against this VERY gooberment tyranny and intrusion.
    He makes a very compelling argument FOR “gun control”: hold with two hands for better aim on target.

  2. OF COURSE congresscritters [cap C purposely omitted] need armed guards. Why? because the torch & pitchfork righteous citizens would really make them feel the heat, so to speak.

    “Deserve”? NO, THEY DON’T!

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