Rank and Vile Followup, FBI Director Chris Wray Says He’s Sorry For The FBI Systemic Corruption That Led to Sexual Abuse of Gymnast Victims – IOTW Report

Rank and Vile Followup, FBI Director Chris Wray Says He’s Sorry For The FBI Systemic Corruption That Led to Sexual Abuse of Gymnast Victims


CTH had originally reported on this stunning story back in June [SEE HERE].  After previously refusing to fire the FBI agents involved in the case, today FBI Director Chris Wray finally said he fired the main FBI agent, Michael Langeman, responsible for facilitating the abuse of young female gymnasts.  During his testimony before congress Wray stated: ““I want to begin by saying to the brave women who testified this morning … I’m deeply and profoundly sorry to each and every one of you.”  {link}

BACKSTORY – An absolutely damning Inspector General investigation released in June, reflected horrific FBI conduct in the rape and sexual assault of U.S. Gymnasts revealing how FBI agents facilitated Larry Nassar’s sex crimes by taking no action despite numerous witness statements to them.

Worse yet, the FBI never reported the sexual assaults to local law enforcement… and to top it off, the FBI agents lied during the investigation of their conduct, and the DOJ under AG Bill Barr refused to prosecute the FBI liars.

The entire IG report [Must Read pdf Here] reveals layer-upon-layer of FBI wrongdoing, misconduct and false statements in an effort to cover-up their activity when the internal investigation of their conduct began. This report is a total condemnation of the FBI rank and file. It really is quite stunning. more

20 Comments on Rank and Vile Followup, FBI Director Chris Wray Says He’s Sorry For The FBI Systemic Corruption That Led to Sexual Abuse of Gymnast Victims

  1. Geeze, guys! He said he was sorry! What MORE do you want?!

    (Any man who does not feel the wrench in his guts at the thought of another man sexually molesting a child — of any age — has no moral compass whatsoever and should NEVER be in charge of ANY sort of law enforcement outfit. Not a one! Further, Wray is complicit by default. It’s his agency and he is responsible for the conduct of every employee under him. He’s a thorough going coward, liar, and all-around bad man.)

  2. Bless the courage of these women, their confusion on just how a pedophile was treated, protected, and allowed to victimize another 120 girls is heartbreaking. So is their hopeless belief anyone will ever be punished.

    What they fail to grasp is that the entire system and protocols designed to protect them is actually designed to allow pedophilic access to them. They were trafficked by the system they trusted to protect them.

    The fact the DOJ didn’t even bother to show up tells you all you need to know.

    The FBI has evidence that Hillezbub tortured and killed kid’s yet she is still walking free. You think these Luciferians care about a few gymnasts?

    The global elite operate with total impunity, no accountability will occur. They opened the border and are paying the cartels billions to gain access to the missing children being trafficked across the border.

    33% of these kid’s are missing, literally tens 8f thousands of children are unaccounted for and not a peep. You think they care about a few gymnasts?

    They are just going through the usual kabuki theater to appease these girls because they are not invisible to the public.

    This will go down the wormhole in 2 days and no one will pay a price.

    Satan runs our government.

  3. And they let one of the main FBI characters involved to retire with full pension. He should be Locked up. What the hell is wrong with our govt. Corruption so thick in the mire that no one is willing to go out and fight it. But yet 40 agents investigated a fucking garage rope.

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  5. Those 3-letter agencies are way complicit in child trafficking rings which is just one reason why “missing” children are never found. The Epstein-Maxwell long list of participant names will soon be released as court-ordered and will expose them all.

  6. The Federal Bureau of Intimidation is no longer a law enforcement agency.

    Rather, it has chosen to become the STATE SECRET POLICE of the Marxists.

    If you work for, or have a family member in the FBI, SHAME ON YOU.

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