Kansas Woman Rants About The ChinaVirus Lockdown – IOTW Report

Kansas Woman Rants About The ChinaVirus Lockdown

Melinda McHenry gives all America her red-head rant of the day. In a word, blistering.

Watch her at American Digest.
*some spicy language.

This is Governor of Kansas, Laura Kelly (D).
In case you were wondering who Melinda was going on about.

27 Comments on Kansas Woman Rants About The ChinaVirus Lockdown

  1. “What is the reason for this oppression?” she asks.

    Here’s an article that addresses that question. BTW, great site consider bookmarking.

    In other news, it’s 4:42am right now, I’ve been awake all night with a dry cough. Lovely. Don’t think it’s the ‘rona but man WTF I can’t sleep.

  2. *looks at governor’s photo*



    NOW I get it.

    Anyways, I’ve been asking a simple question of pro-lockdown leftists on Twitter who insist if you go out with no mask, it means you hate your neighbors:

    “If someone does not have corona, how would their wearing a mask prove that they care about everyone around them?”

    No replies yet.

  3. ecp, I had the same thing about 2 months back. Took about 3 weeks to shake it. Maybe it was the comchink bioweapon, but never had any fever. Won’t know until antibody tests are available for whoever wants one.

  4. This whole shutdown thing is not about the virus, which most people are starting to realize, nor is is just about controlling people’s lives, which most people don’t consider.

    It is a social conditioning move -or experiment- that is intended as the first step in leading somewhere else, somewhere very, very different than what it seems like now.

    And it is being done on a highly coordinated worldwide bases.

    So who’s doing the coordinating? From whence does the directive that is being handed down originate?

    Big things and big changes on the horizon for the entire world, but who is the one giving the orders and calling the shots? Who is at the top of the command chain and what is intended as a final end goal from them?

  5. It’s no longer about getting us to fear the virus itself. It’s about conditioning us to fear each other and, for some, going panic Nazi enough to hate those who do not comply with government orders. That’s the kind of division that will stick in people’s minds, on both sides.

    Divide and conquer, in other words.

  6. Well shoot lady, if yer gonna start makin sense around here,
    I’m going to Venezuela!

    Common Sense… not so common and completely non-existant in government!
    But they still get THEIR checks on a regular basis!!
    and they’re sooo compasionnate!
    “Ah feel yer pine”
    “And maybe yer legs too…”

  7. My Communist guv, gretchen, has ordered me to wear a mask. Won’t do it. At the grocery store I wear a net laundry bag on my head and face, and I pizz off other customers (all of whom are Communist-Democrats??) My name is Patricia Henry ♥

  8. BTW – I hate to say it, but I think President Trump is gonna get damaged by all the blowback if he doesn’t step in to say/do something to curb this run-away power-grab! This damn thing will probably come back in the fall or winter. We will not have a better time to re-store the economy than right now! We need to get going back to normal now!!

  9. If it wasn’t so serious(as in the control government so easily obtained), it would be funny. We have heard from the specialists it wasn’t a big deal to it was a big deal to it was an even bigger deal, to now if you read the CDC it’s really no worse than the flu for the elderly and much less worse than the flu for children. We heard don’t wear masks, to wear cloth masks, to masks won’t protect you or anyone, to masks won’t protect you but will protect others.
    County health departments are telling local restaurants all kinds of different things around here, so depending on what restaurant you go to in and what e-mail they received on whether the employees are wearing face masks or gloves or both. I was traveling yesterday and got back this morning. Friday I went and ate at my favorite restaurant to help the waitresses out, they were told they must wear gloves and masks and take orders 6 feet away. I had to apologize several times because it was so funny I couldn’t stop laughing. They were laughing as well and all blamed the government, not a disease, which they thought was bullshit and no worse than the flu.
    Yesterday I while traveling, stopped to eat lunch somewhere I had never been several counties away. Their county health department weren’t telling them to wear masks or gloves, but they had to keep an empty table between customers(all of them are doing this), but the craziest thing I ever heard of was at the table all customers including those in the same family living together you had to keep a chair separating them, no elbow to elbow. So it can’t spread across from someone but it can go sideways in a restaurant and is much more contagious to family members in a restaurant than at home.
    This morning coming home, stopped in a different county to eat breakfast. They had the same no elbow to elbow, but this didn’t apply to employees, they were told they didn’t have to wear masks, but mandatory they wear gloves. Honestly that grosses me out more and concerns me more about diseases(not rona) because they’re touching everything with the same pair of gloves, getting them covered in germs and who knows what else. Their hand, the natural glove wouldn’t spread near as many germs as a rubber glove.

    Why would anyone take these “health professionals” seriously when they’re all over the map and change by the hour?

    Did put the immunity to the virus to a test. Last night I was around a lot of strangers, no social distancing, so if it’s highly contagious I’ll be finding out if what I had before rona was a thing was actually rona.lol Can’t say where I was at as I don’t want to get them shut down.

  10. 100% Correct!


    Amazing how all the other diseases, infections & medical emergencies have all taken a “time out”.

  11. Anonymous May 3, 2020 at 7:49 am: “but who is the one giving the orders and calling the shots?”

    We may not know who’s in charge of all this, but we sure do know who their minions are.

  12. Thank you everyone for the comments. Apologies for my spicy language. I’m not prone to public rants but my outrage is based on true societal,financial and constitutional suicide that we are clearly being compelled to comply with. I will open as planned Monday May 4th. My staff and clients are too scared of threat of fines,loss of licensure or being arrested. I’m afraid if I don’t open more of my freedoms will be stripped or regulated to the point of bankruptcy. I’m tired of our elected leaders making policy based on what if’s! We are living the minority report in real life. It’s the only science (fiction) that has been applied to Covid-19.

  13. Dr BS just came out and told the hair salons not to open, meanwhile you have Dr Fraud saying you can go on Tinder and hookup at your own risk. This crap is really pissing me off and my patience is wearing thin. Let the American people decide what’s best for them. No more chicken littles, brownshirts and snitches let’s get the economy rolling again.

  14. Hey Malinda McHenry….I hope your the real Malinda McHery. I don’t think you used enough spicy language!….155 counties in Kansas and only 6 run blue…..Kansas city, Topeka, Manhattan and Wichita are the heart of the beast, kill it now…..

  15. Like Rush used to say, right on, right on, right on… She is one very courageous, gutsy woman. I agree that this lockdown has to stop now before it’s allowed to get worse and tempers become flared into massive violent civil disobedience. My prayer to God is that will not happen.

  16. Malinda McHery… Thank you for vocalizing your thoughts! You have captured the hearts and feelings of many Americans! I do think tho that you’ve touched a third rail with this, so I hope that that people like Rush Limbaugh and Tucker Carlson run with this before the Governor tries to make an example of you. I have a feeling you’ll be seeing a crowd tomorrow, so luck and the Constitution be with you!

  17. All that has happened to us has NOTHING to do with a virus. It is a test run for a totalitarian take over, nothing more, and it isn’t going to end.


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