Rantz: ‘Mass exodus’ as Seattle police officers ditch city for KC Sheriff, Everett PD – IOTW Report

Rantz: ‘Mass exodus’ as Seattle police officers ditch city for KC Sheriff, Everett PD

“When criminals won’t get prosecuted for their crimes, when our reasonable majority of community members are being held hostage by unreasonable activism, officers will look elsewhere for employment where they do feel supported”

My Northwest:

Seattle’s anti-police rhetoric is, unsurprisingly, pushing officers out of the city. In just over a month, nearly 40 Seattle Police Department officers applied to work for the King County Sheriff’s Department. The Everett Police Department saw over 30 applications.

The Seattle City Council is moving forward with a dangerous plan to cut the SPD budget by 50%. They committed to this goal without first coming up with a plan. It could result in a city that looks like CHOP and officer layoffs would be imminent. But the Council may not have to push too hard to get rid of the police officers. They’re leaving on their own.

16 Comments on Rantz: ‘Mass exodus’ as Seattle police officers ditch city for KC Sheriff, Everett PD

  1. It must be happening to all of the shit-hole cities. I heard an ad today by the Gwinnett County PD, looking to hire police officers. Gwinnett is a suburb county of Atlanta.

    My daughter asked me yesterday if she could go to downtown Atlanta with her boyfriend to some hipster milkshake joint not too far from Saint Rayshard’s burnt-out Wendy’s. I threatened to take her car away just for thinking about it. WTF is wrong with kids?

  2. Pro tip: The officers that remain in these big leftist city departments will be on the wrong side in the upcoming civil war. The good ones are leaving and even given the pay incentives they are not able to recruit anyone worth having.

  3. MJA, but be aware that the King Country council is trying to take control of the county sheriff by making it an office appointed by the King County council rather than an elected office. The historical purpose of the sheriff as an elected office is specifically to be a firewall against it being controlled for political purposes.

    It’s going to be on the ballot in November.

  4. Kevin R. JULY 22, 2020 AT 6:24 PM

    King Country council is trying to take control of the county sheriff by making it an office appointed by the King County council rather than an elected office.

  5. Kevin R. JULY 22, 2020 AT 6:24 PM

    “King Country council is trying to take control of the county sheriff by making it an office appointed by the King County council rather than an elected office.”

    Someone needs to check the state’s constitution on that one.

  6. Years ago Seattle was highly praised when it instituted voluntary (to the city, not to the students and their families) bussing. By a weird coincidence, the areas where the people who implemented the bussing and their powerful friends lived were not included in the bussing plan.

    When the rioters start attacking the neighborhoods where the rich and powerful live the police budget will be reinstated and then some.

  7. Seattle city council

    6 of 9 are women, 5 of those 6 are brown women.

    This is why there have never been successful matriarchies. They’ve shot down their own police force due to pure, 100% emotion. Don’t they see that it was their decision to fund the police at the previous rate? Are they implicating themselves on their own previous mistake to overfund? Naw, that’s way too deep. It’s much better to just be hysterical about it. Watch Bezos pack up and leave along with all the satellite companies depending on Amazon. Detroit II is imminent.

  8. I would tell my utes: “Until your frontal lobe is developed enough to ensure your survival I will decide” but this was implied since all I really said was “no”.

    Lot of good it did when I was a Ute. I joined the Army at 17 & a half.

  9. @ melmoth

    You hit the nail on the head-100% emotions.

    Women in leadership positions are out-of-sink with God’s plan. Men were created to lead and shoulder the load, hence the broad shoulders. Women were created to help men and nurture their family, hence the broad hips. When men and women stay in the roles they were created for, all goes well.

    The devil told women that they can have a career, run the household and all the good things. They still believe him just like in the Garden. Of course, he IS the father of all lies.

    One of the final “nails in the coffin” of a dying empire is that women assume leadership roles.

    When women step up, men step back.

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