Rapper B.o.B takes to Twitter to try to prove that Earth is flat – IOTW Report

Rapper B.o.B takes to Twitter to try to prove that Earth is flat

I’ll save you the trouble…WHO???
Yeah, I don’t know either.
But somebody, please tell me he’s joking. Please.

Aol: Rapper B.o.B, known for such hits as “Airplanes” and “Nothin’ On You,” is convinced that Earth is flat (not round), and he wants his millions of Twitter followers to know it.

Not only does he think that centuries of scientific proof are completely inaccurate, but he also thinks that NASA — or, as he calls the organization, “Never A Straight Answer” — is involved in a vast conspiracy to lie to millions about the truth behind our planet’s geometric truth.  MORE

Earth comet waiting

25 Comments on Rapper B.o.B takes to Twitter to try to prove that Earth is flat

  1. You’re absolutely correct, B.o.B. The earth is indeed flat, always has been and always will be. Now shut up, take your meds, and bask in the pleasure and satisfaction of knowing that you have convinced us of THE TRUTH.


  2. Hey, he is black. He must be right. And probably talent challenged which makes him an even greater thinker than most. Next big B.o.B. hit–Dindu nuffin in School.

  3. Lets see if we can help him out. The earth is 7,917.5 miles in diameter. Lets assume he’s standing dead center 8 miles apart from each city. A little R Squared minus X Squared tells us the cities are 43 feet lower than where he’s standing or .0583 degrees lower than his line of sight. Dude, you should have gone to class.

  4. Hey MJA,
    Thanks for sharing that.
    I am considering ignoring my 12 years of grade school, bachelors and masters degrees in engineering and pissing away my life’s savings on some crack, meth and model airplane glue so I can be as smart at that guy.

  5. Hey, let’s not bash these people, but rather support them. Sort of like a participation trophy. All it takes is 144 characters or less to know who to stay away from.

  6. I suspect he will soon be inducted into the scientific community’s “climate change” hall of fame ; possibly progressing towards the leadership position of Bernie Sanders “jail the deniers” movement.

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