Rapper convicted of funneling foreign cash to Obama campaign wants retrial because his attorney used AI – IOTW Report

Rapper convicted of funneling foreign cash to Obama campaign wants retrial because his attorney used AI


A rapper who was convicted of funneling embezzled foreign money into former President Barack Obama’s 2012 campaign is now seeking a new trial for the most bizarre, unprecedented reason.

Rapper Prakazrel “Pras” Michel, a former member of the rap group known as the Fugees, filed a motion Monday arguing that his former lawyer, David Kenner, had relied on artificial technology to draft his losing case.

Kenner “used an experimental artificial intelligence (AI) program to draft the closing argument, ignoring the best arguments and conflating the charged schemes, and he then publicly boasted that the AI program ‘turned hours or days of legal work into seconds,’” Michel’s new lawyers wrote in the motion. more here

3 Comments on Rapper convicted of funneling foreign cash to Obama campaign wants retrial because his attorney used AI

  1. “As previously reported, Michel was convicted in April on 10 criminal counts related to an international conspiracy involving the highest levels of the American government.”

    …so why aren’t “the highest levels of the American government” going to jail WITH him?

  2. Couldn’t tell From the article, but I’m guessing his prosecution was started by the Trump Justice department, and he figures (probably correctly) that he will get a pass from the Garland “Justice” dept.
    BTW, will Barry have to give up the illegal $2 million donation? Haha. Just kidding.


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