Rapper Killer Mike to ‘Progressive’ Gun Grabbers: ‘You’re not Woke,’ and ‘You’re Going to Progress Us into Slavery’ – IOTW Report

Rapper Killer Mike to ‘Progressive’ Gun Grabbers: ‘You’re not Woke,’ and ‘You’re Going to Progress Us into Slavery’

Breitbart: While students and activists geared up to march in Washington, D.C., and across the country in support of new restrictions on the Second Amendment, rapper Killer Mike warned that gun control is way the progressive left can return black Americans to slavery.

In an interview with NRATV’s Colion Noir, Killer Mike explained how the left equates gun control with progress and observed, “[They are] going to progress us into slavery.”

In the lead-up to the March 14 school walk out for gun control, Killer Mike said he told his kids, “I love you, but if you walk out that school walk out my house.”

“You can’t continue to be the lackey,” the Atlanta-based rapper and business owner said. “You’re a lackey of the progressive movement because you have never disagreed with the people who tell you what to do.”

Noir pointed out how celebrities like George Clooney and Steven Spielberg pledged $500,000 to Saturday’s gun control march.

“Celebrities often don’t know what to do. They’re told what to do,” Killer Mike said, explaining how a famous rapper, who’s a friend of his, felt pressured into doing an anti-gun promo. Killer Mike told his friend that he’s very pro-Second Amendment” and that it is about the children for him — after a shooting on his daughter’s college campus (Savannah State University); “I talked to my wife and daughter after that, the decision was we’re going to go to Savannah, she’s going to get a gun and train more.”

“We’re raising a generation of kids where everyone gets’ a trophy. But in real life, everyone doesn’t get a trophy,” Killer Mike said. “In real life, the cops don’t come on time. read more

11 Comments on Rapper Killer Mike to ‘Progressive’ Gun Grabbers: ‘You’re not Woke,’ and ‘You’re Going to Progress Us into Slavery’

  1. Damn marchers shut down the street in front of my place yesterday. No warning from the city. I asked the cop why the city didn’t notify anyone, his comment was ‘they only told me 10 minutes before I got sent here.’
    Wore my BFH Molon Labe t-shirt yesterday, after seeing all that tripe.

  2. “You can’t continue to be the lackey,” the Atlanta-based rapper and business owner said. “You’re a lackey of the progressive movement because you have never disagreed with the people who tell you what to do.”

    Killer Mike gets it.

  3. Killer Mike is definitely “woke” to the truth. He was raised right – literally. If a brain dead generation of socialists take over, everyone will be slaves to tyranny. God and His provision, guns are the only hope for this country.

  4. I know it’s a subtle point, but for me an important point to remember. These people are not pushing for more restrictions on 2A rights. They are pushing for less restrictions on the 2A. Thereby giving government more power to infringe on our right to be armed.

    I think it’s important to always remember the 2A doesn’t grant us the right to be armed. The purpose of the 2A is to block the government from infringing on the right to be armed.

    Let the majority of people get the mindset the 2A grants the right to armed. Then eventually people will believe it does. Then they will believe they also have the power to take away the right to be armed.


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