Rashida Talks Too Much – IOTW Report

Rashida Talks Too Much

American Thinker: I used to know a guy who grew up in the Yugoslavian ghetto of North Jersey, with a childhood spent with only limited contact with anyone outside that community.  He desperately wanted to become a conservative activist and was constantly coming up with complicated schemes, large parts of which involved contacting and placating a (nonexistent) hierarchy that was constantly watching, knew all things, and held the ultimate veto on just about everything.  When it was explained to him that this was unnecessary, he’d say, “Uh…okay…” and fall silent, only to come up with a similar scheme in short order.

It wasn’t long before I realized that this was exactly how things worked in Tito’s Yugoslavia, and, though raised in the U.S., he’d been exposed to and internalized it to the nth degree.  He was living in a mental communist dictatorship and always would be.

This came to mind as I was reading about Rashida Tlaib’s extended fugue this weekend regarding what should be done to Donald Trump’s Cabinet once they were arrested.  It was clear to me that the same mentality was at work.  There is no reason to arrest the Cabinet and no reason to believe that it will ever happen. But…overlooked in all the commentary on the lithe and perky Ms. Tlaib’s ramblings was the fact that this is exactly what her confreres in Gaza did after Hamas took over from Al Fatah in 2007.  Only there wasn’t any debate about what was to be done with them.  They were immediately taken to the tops of tall buildings and tossed off.  Tlaib, it’s apparent enough, is living in a dream Gaza, where the law is whatever the man holding the Kalashnikov says it is, where the strong do what they will and the weak endure what they must.  (At least she wasn’t suggesting that secretary of the interior David Bernhardt be tossed off a building.  We’ve civilized her that much.) . read more

15 Comments on Rashida Talks Too Much

  1. No sense of law, precedence, duty, country, service, honor, loyalty, sacrifice. It’s just “I got elected, now everyone has to do what I want.” Much like Kamala, Liz, Hillary. Future is female. They are all the same and our death spiral has begun. It’s irreversible until we run into cataclysmic change.

  2. “… where the strong do what they will and the weak endure what they must.”

    Got some bad news for ya … that’s called “Planet Earth.”
    Sometimes it’s hidden; sometimes it ain’t.

    Don’t believe me? The second Amendment to OUR Constitution says: the “right of the people to keep AND BEAR arms, shall not be infringed” (emphasis mine). Now, go buy a pistol and carry it in New York (which last I heard was still in the United States of America). Dare ya!
    You need a “permit” to kill a deer that’s rampaging through your garden.
    You need a “permit” to kill the wolf that attacks your sheep.

    Here, the Oligarchy is off limits – that’s the only part she doesn’t understand – in Shittistan (the land of her origins) murdering your predecessor is the order of the day – the tradition.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Nearly all of the mentally deficient / defective

    Talk too much.

    They need to explain everything to the point
    That even they might understand the spiel

    Usually through

    Constant and nearly endless repetition.

  4. where the law is whatever the man holding the Kalashnikov says it is, where the strong do what they will and the weak endure what they must

    You do realize…? Oh, wait. You think that’s… an… “argument”? Well… aren’t you special!

  5. @Anonymous October 8, 2019 at 1:52 pm

    > The problem being if enough of the desperate for
    > power SocioComs think that way, they will try to
    > “do it” the bloody, hard way.

    A “problem” because they might get there before the patriotic, 3%, loyal keepers of oaths?

    Stop! Stop! I’m gonna’ pee!


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