Rashida Tlaib Is a Fan of Underground Tunnels – IOTW Report

Rashida Tlaib Is a Fan of Underground Tunnels

{Can you guess why?}

Rashida Tlaib Casts Lone Vote Against Bill Requiring Reports on Cartel Smuggling Tunnels Under Border.

Breitbart: U.S. Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) cast the only no vote on a bill requiring an annual report to Congress on cross-border cartel smuggling tunnels. The bill, H.R. 495, passed the House Monday on a vote of 402-1.

“I thought for sure everyone was gonna vote yes on my bill this evening,” Rep. Eli Crane (R-AZ) posted on X following the vote. “402-1 is still pretty solid though.”

On Monday, the House of Representatives voted to pass the Subterranean Border Defense Act (H.R. 495). The bill simply requires an annual report to Congress from U.S. Customs and Border Protection on the activities of cartels creating tunnels for drug and human smuggling and actions taken by the U.S. to stop them.

“Since 1990, officials have discovered more than 140 tunnels that have breached the border, with an 80% increase in tunnel activity since 2008,” Crane said on the House floor. “As transnational criminal organizations continue to grow in both size and sophistication, illicit cross-border tunnels along the southwest border of the United States represent a significant and growing threat to national security.”

Democrat co-sponsor Lou Correra (C-CA) also spoke on the bill, saying, “I believe this bill is an important step in the right direction.” more here

14 Comments on Rashida Tlaib Is a Fan of Underground Tunnels

  1. Tunnel found? Pump in an explosive mixture of natural gas and air, then set it off.

    We could even be reasonably humane about it by using gas with the well-known rotten egg smell. Anybody in the tunnel who smells that would get the hell out mighty damned quick. If they make it, fine. If not, also fine.

  2. Anon 9:07pm
    I was thinking more of a persistent nerve agent in dust form on the floor of the tunnel. You walk, you stir up “dust”, you inhale said dust, you twitch, you die.
    Leave the bodies. Reapply nerve dust as necessary.

    “Let the bodies hit the floor!”

  3. Back to my original thought.
    Rashida likes tunnels so much?
    So…..put her in one, and seal up both ends.
    Make sure the tunnel is hidden, just the way the cartels like.


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