Rashida Tlaib’s Ties To Anti-Semitism Run Deeper Than Previously Known – IOTW Report

Rashida Tlaib’s Ties To Anti-Semitism Run Deeper Than Previously Known

DC: Democratic Michigan Rep. Rashida Tlaib’s ties to anti-Semitism run deeper than previously known, a Daily Caller News Foundation investigation found.

Tlaib, part of a heralded freshman class of House Democrats, has already come under scrutiny over her positions on Israel and ties to fringe figures. But TheDCNF’s investigation uncovered additional ties to anti-Semitism.

Tlaib is a member of the Facebook group “Palestinian American Congress,” where members often demonize Jews. The group’s founder, Palestinian activist Maher Abdel-qader, was a key fundraiser for Tlaib and organized campaign events for her around the country.

In January 2018, Abdel-qader shared an anti-Semitic video that claimed Jews aren’t actually Jewish, and invented their historical claim to Israel and secretly control the media.

The video, which described Jews as “satanic,” also questioned whether 6 million Jews actually died in the Holocaust.

“Research the truth about the Holocaust, and you’ll definitely start to question what you thought you knew,” the video’s narrator says.

Abdel-qader shared the video both on his personal Facebook page and within the group that now includes Tlaib.    MORE HERE


13 Comments on Rashida Tlaib’s Ties To Anti-Semitism Run Deeper Than Previously Known

  1. Somalian tribalism, in the language of Sissy Matthews, has brought Third World savagery, inhumanity, gangs and terrorist sympathizers to our Congress.

    The concentration of these tribes in these ostensibly rural communities to process animal parts is the key reason.

    In 20 years, descendants will be saying “if I knew they were going to be this much trouble, I would have made my own chicken tenders”.

  2. Tlaib isn’t antisemitic by stealth, she’s always been very obvious about it.

    So her antisemitism simply reflects the sentiment of the voters that elected her.

    A sign of the times we live in, we may not know the day and hour but we can certainly know the season as it approaches.

  3. There is a story making the rounds that lists all the Muslims now serving in federal, state and local governments in the U.S. It is shocking. We are quickly going the way of the U.K.

  4. Tlaib’s friend Addas Hamideh shown in photo with her at bottom of the DC article has group “Resistance 48” planning White House area “Palestine” fracas. I just sent link to WH for their info just in case, but they’re probably on top of all their scumbag doings by now.


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