Rasmussen: Black Voter Approval for Trump Has Surged to Over 40 Percent – IOTW Report

Rasmussen: Black Voter Approval for Trump Has Surged to Over 40 Percent

PJMedia: Despite the left’s recent efforts to paint Trump as a racist and blame him for police brutality and the riots, Rasmussen Reports says that approval for President Trump amongst likely black voters is now over 40 percent.

Trump received 8 percent of the African American vote in 2016. In August 2019, black voter approval for Trump stood at 26 percent. read more

11 Comments on Rasmussen: Black Voter Approval for Trump Has Surged to Over 40 Percent

  1. Brown Eyed Girl: No need for flying pigs. The average black person, who is a good citizen, is no more interested in helping the criminal element than we are. After all, they are being hit just as hard if not harder by the current lawlessness as anyone.

  2. @RadioMattM – thank you and @brown eyed girl it’s NOT a dream.

    There WILL be a real Holy USA Reckoning Alliance like we have never seen to crush the pricks.

    They are trying to make it a race war and it is hardly that, this is about values and liberty. Law vs lawlessness, white and red maga hats vs black beenies and hoodies.

    Good vs evil.


  3. After Joe Biden read this poll he decided that he would do what he was most qualified for…his life training and dream….Joey is gonna be a cerebral palsy dance instructor because he thinks he’s left handed, but only in the mirror…..

  4. I keep seeing those 2 black women cleaning up their store that was looted and blasting the rioters with “go get a job like i did!”

    I hope she recovers fully financially.

    People who work hard respect property and effort. BLM does not.

  5. Blacks aren’t infants.
    They know bullshit when they see it, no matter what they’ve been told.
    They know that the riots are fueled by white Antifa types and the criminal class that exists in every race.
    There is also a lust for havoc that comes on people when a crowd becomes a mob.
    Black folks know that with Trump they get a square deal. No smoke up your ass, just the same shot at the top as everybody else has.
    Like Josie Wales said: “I ain’t promising you nothing extra. I’m giving you life and you’re giving me life”
    No patronizing, no virtue signaling.
    How it ought to be

  6. I mentioned on an earlier post that there are more black supporters out there than just those who’ll admit it.
    Truth is that most people are decent well intentioned souls who want the best for themselves as well as their fellow americans.
    People can see that this president is truly trying to better their
    lives and there’s no social pressure once you go behind the curtain to vote.


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