Rasmussen: Parents To Blame For Border Crisis, Not Government – IOTW Report

Rasmussen: Parents To Blame For Border Crisis, Not Government

Daily Caller: According to a new Rasmussen poll, a majority of Americans blame illegal immigrant parents for the child crisis on the border over the U.S. government.

The media has put a hyper focus on the separation of families at the border over the last several weeks, leading President Donald Trump to sign an executive order ending the separation. Current U.S. law does not allow families to be detained together if the parents are referred for prosecution for illegal border crossing.  more here

4 Comments on Rasmussen: Parents To Blame For Border Crisis, Not Government

  1. We needed a poll to determine this?

    I guess so.

    54% is not exactly what I was expecting…enough but not enough to show us what we are up against!


  2. A liberal friend of mine is actually on the “Trump” side of this issue and remarked “am I the only one that feels like this”? Told her she was in the majority and to quit watching the evening news.

  3. A survey like this only serves to show just how many really stupid people still out there that we’re up against. If something this glaring confuses them its no wonder our country is floundering.


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