Rasmussen Poll: 55% of All Voters Agree that DC Republicans Worked With DC Democrats to Keep Trump From Being Reelected in 2020 – IOTW Report

Rasmussen Poll: 55% of All Voters Agree that DC Republicans Worked With DC Democrats to Keep Trump From Being Reelected in 2020


If you wonder about whether people are really starting to understand the UniParty operation in Washington DC, the answer appears to be a resounding “Yes.”

According to the latest Rasmussen poll [LINK HERE], even a majority of Democrats admit that Republicans likely conspired with Democrats to keep President Trump from winning the 2020 election. The exact wording of the question is:

How likely is it that Republican politicians in DC worked secretly with Democrats to keep Trump from being reelected in 2020?

55% – of all voters agree it is likely.
67% – Republicans
51% – Democrats

Rasmussen’s Mark Mitchell appeared on the Steve Bannon podcast to discuss the results of the poll.   MORE

13 Comments on Rasmussen Poll: 55% of All Voters Agree that DC Republicans Worked With DC Democrats to Keep Trump From Being Reelected in 2020

  1. The GOP-e DID work with their freinds across the aisle to depose the rightful President, but even THAT didn’t work.

    When it became obvious that he had been re-elected, in desperation they stopped key vote counts, produced “emergencies” to kick Republican poll watchers out, and performed numerous cheats after openly covering windows and barring doors to count centers to steal the votes they couldn’t even lie their way into.

    And then produce another “emergency” so those votes couldn’t be challenged, with co-conspirator Pence there to order his stooge to kill an unarmed woman and refuse to do his Constitutional duty.

    The rest is history.

    And since history says they suffered no real consequences, they stole the Senate in the midterms.

    Expect them to steal everything again in 24.

    There will be no further elections, only dumbshows for the masses.

  2. See I rest my case. You wonderful supporters of Vlad should help out his war with the world out. An arrest warrant was issued by the World court for war crimes ordered by Putin. He now a prisoner of his own country.

  3. If you watched or read Murdoc’s “news” (Fox, NYPost, WSJ….) you figured this out 3 years ago!

    The “Bush Republicans” working for the leftist Ausies all hate conservatives!

  4. …and COOF!

    Don’t forget what the Globalists did to use Coof to control the Public, voting & create the fear that enabled the Coup Against the United States.


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