Rasmussen Poll: Trump Finishes Presidency With 51% Approval Rating – IOTW Report

Rasmussen Poll: Trump Finishes Presidency With 51% Approval Rating

But, Joe… though… no election fraud, he’s so popular and stuff…

h/t Brad.

19 Comments on Rasmussen Poll: Trump Finishes Presidency With 51% Approval Rating

  1. I LOVE President Trump.

    P.S. – When I had the chance, I LOVED typing “President Trump” in my comments for the past four years.
    Will I get another chance? Who knows? I will pray.

  2. Trump had the law, the EO’s the evidence and the military behind him. Right now three quarters of “congress” could be on their way to Gitmo. We can no longer “vote” them out, the will never allow themselves to lose again. They’re already talking about getting rid of voter ID. We had one last chance(sic) to fix this mess, and Trump folded.

  3. Hail Hail Heil the Kommander-in-thief. Long may he fail.

    As a Pennsylvania resident I proudly proclaim the election was stolen and our “new” government is illegitimate. We must form and conduct resistance where and when ever we can. The road before us is difficult but our cause is just.

    We must produce and place our own swamp drains where we can.

  4. The only reason Trump was unable to clean up the mess is because the mess was a cabal of criminals that stood in the way because they didn’t want to give up their criminal activities of holding power and getting rich.

    It would have been easier to convince islam to accept Christianity.

  5. Heretic,
    you want a kick in the head? Turn on your tv and listen to Bernie Sanders, the biggest freeloader the world has ever seen.

    He’s berating us MAGAs and dictating his terms for what this country must do.

    He can talk shit while the new ‘presidunce’ is concentrating as hard as he can to put one foot in front of the other, as his mask hides his stupor.

  6. I still had hope this morning, not now. We will never fully know what transpired these last few weeks, but we know the end result. I have a hard time believing that so few people took their oath seriously, but that is the reality. The constitution has been shredded, the vote corrupted, and not one honorable man in DC. I’m sorry if I offended anyone (@ESAD) with my optimism. I will try to not make that mistake again. Hey, Lin Wood said this morning that Trump will…………oops
    Hey, I heard something is going to happen March 4……..oops. How am I ever going to crush my optimism.

  7. What jellybean said correctly frames how corrupt the United States Federal Government actually is.

    It’s going to be up to the States now to fight totalitarianism in any way they can.

  8. If you haven’t read, The-Presidents-Advisory-1776-Commission-Final-Report.pdf
    Find a copy, download it, and save it.
    It has already been deleted off whitehouse.gov.
    Probably have the chinese techs scrubbing history.


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