Rasmussen: Trump’s Approval Actually Rises Post-election – IOTW Report

Rasmussen: Trump’s Approval Actually Rises Post-election


President Donald Trump’s approval rating has improved in the week since the election, up 3% while his disapproval has dropped similarly, Rasmussen Reports said Tuesday.

Fifty-two percent of likely voters approved of Trump’s job performance, up from 49% on Nov. 3, while the number of people disapproving of his job performance dropped to 47%, down from 50%. more

SNIP: As of yesterday, it was 53% approval rating.

9 Comments on Rasmussen: Trump’s Approval Actually Rises Post-election

  1. Yet, we are to believe that a demented dementia minded basement dweller who couldn’t draw a crowd to foll his little circles, couldn’t complete sentences, refused to answer questions without a teleprompter, must now be addressed reverently as “president elect” whatever the hell that is.

  2. Not surprising when half the country voted for Joe only because the media told them orange man bad. They are just now coming to grips that Joe wants to lock down the country and they are claiming they had no idea. I bet they also had no idea about Hunter. Thanks for nothing, piece of shit media, ya didn’t even TRY to do your damn job. If the walking corpse gets in office, I hope Trump starts his own media company and swallows current media hacks, then runs in 2024.

  3. Within 2 years Biden’s perceived weakness will have emboldened many bad actors in the world and result in your NATO allies cutting military budgets AGAIN(covid-1984 will be the excuse).

    The deserts will once again have the Western world’s blood on them.
    This is Exactly what worries me.

    The best way to help Americans with health care is to stop dropping $100,000 bombs on mud huts in foreign Shit holes and then taking in their UN-VETTED refugees who do not share your values.

  4. Fighter = Approval in real time. Something that doesn’t require to pause across several states to load up for a dump. Strategerizing why the president is keeping a low profile is an interesting one. One thing is for sure. He has the rspect of the majority.

  5. I wore my MAGA hat about town to conduct my business. Complete strangers came up to me because I had the sheer audacity to wear it. My basic message to them?

    This isn’t over by any stretch of the imagination.

    Keep going. Keep fighting. We’ve just begun to fight.

  6. Biden and his people believing their media and spouting off incontinently about lockdowns, mandates and grand schemes to undo things that a landslide majority approve of, all while claiming possession of something they have not earned, is not sitting well with the people of this country.

    On the other hand, President Trump fighting in a principled, yet forceful manner for what he rightfully earned, while continuing to deliver on promises made is quite impressive to all but the most bitter and jaded Democrat.

    Nobody wants to hear about your transition team, Joe. They want to see you answer convincingly the serious charges being made against you and your party first. If you can’t stand the heat, stay in the basement and watch how a real President works.

  7. Americans love a winner and will not tolerate a loser. Americans play to win all the time. That’s why Americans have never lost and will never lose a war. The very thought of losing is hateful to Americans.


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