Ratcliffe: DOJ IG Has Finished His Investigation, But Report Not Expected for Weeks – IOTW Report

Ratcliffe: DOJ IG Has Finished His Investigation, But Report Not Expected for Weeks

(CNSNews.com) – Rep. John Ratcliffe (R-Texas) said he met with Justice Department Inspector-General Michael Horowitz last week to discuss the status of the IG’s report on alleged FISA abuse by the FBI.

“We talked about his report, the timing of his report, not the content,” Ratcliffe told Fox News Monday night.

“And he related that his team’s investigative work is complete, and they’re now in the process of drafting that report. So I would expect that a draft of that will be completed in short order. I will tell you though, I don’t expect that any of us are going to see any time real soon. more here

9 Comments on Ratcliffe: DOJ IG Has Finished His Investigation, But Report Not Expected for Weeks

  1. Weeks…That would be August, a month where political activity is so torpid that some Presidential candidates take a vacation during her campaign. Must be some bad news for the FBI.

    But don’t worry about a coverup, because Director Wray said he will never allow the FBI’s work to be driven by anything other than the facts, the law, and the impartial pursuit of justice. Period.

  2. Why all the build up for this report in the first place? It’ll be like the last one where crimes and other wrong doing was found, but they deemed nothing uncovered reached a level worthy of criminal charges.
    They all look out for each other.

  3. It takes the fixers quite a while to buffer and sanitize the information gathered so as to present the least amount of accountability and concern.


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