Ratings for the Grammys hit all time low despite everyone being stuck at home – IOTW Report

Ratings for the Grammys hit all time low despite everyone being stuck at home


Ratings for the Grammy Awards show on Sunday collapsed by more than half despite many Americans being stuck at home without anything to do.

According to The Wrap, ratings for the entertainment awards plunged from 18.8 million viewers in 2020 to 8.8 million viewers across all platforms. The decrease of 10 million viewers represented a disastrous drop of more than 53% in total viewers.

Although the celebrity-studded affair featured live performances by many of the most popular current entertainers, the visuals for the show were far more muted than usual because of the pandemic-related guidelines in Los Angeles.

The ratings set a new low for the awards show that had been previously set in 2006 with 16.999 million viewers.

Some viewers could have been turned off by overtly sexualized performances by Cardi B, Megan Thee Stallion and others.

Parents Television Council President Tim Winter called the Cardi B performance “entirely unfit for a primetime network television broadcast.” more

wait, there’s more-

Outrage mob tries to cancel ‘cis white male’ Bill Burr for Grammy’s  appearance where he mocks feminists.

They were triggered beyond belief.

26 Comments on Ratings for the Grammys hit all time low despite everyone being stuck at home

  1. I guess this defines the market for people who want to see a big strange flabby ass shaking full screen as a very very small audience.

    If anyone watched, did you see any ads for Ass Nair ?!

  2. Huh … I’m shocked!
    No … not really … I’ve never watched the grammys and wasn’t gonna start this year. What an “Incest-O-Thon!”
    Bunch of rich nihilistic maggots preening each other – cupping each others’ farts.

    Only down by half?

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Guess the on stage porn show I heard about didn’t help…… plus the fact they only gave Eddie a 15 second in memoriam. With the total crap that is praised as music on there I wish they would have left him off there completely… he deserves better than to be mixed in with that garbage.

  4. …”Stank Ass Pussy”, more like, they do make hygiene products for thst hon, but wearing clothes that tight isn’t going to help that yeast infection AT ALL…

  5. Beenancy has won 28 Gramzies, the most ever by anyone.
    She just stands there with a blank stare. I still say she’s retarded. (her hubband buckwheat is the proof)

  6. I saw a picture of one of those Hollyweirds, and if I want o see half-naked women, I’ll tune into some porn. Not my deal and I don’t care anything about any of them. Worthless people.

  7. All I heard the next day was Wamin, Black Wamin and Harry Styles who wears dresses now and sings about Watermelon.

    …and we are the racists?

  8. @Ernest Tee Bass

    Exactly. Edie VanHalen revolutionized the entire perception of the guitar, created the super-strat, crossed over to keyboard with another entirely new sound (overdrive), got sober, fought cancer 2 times and has a signature line of Fender based products that are built well.

    15 seconds for a life time of achievement vs 3 hours for the fat ass auto-tune clowns.

  9. Just another “entertainment” platform used to promote perversion as normal to further corrupt the culture. Disgusting effects of socialist ideology.

    Leftist “entertainers” are especially masochistic and happily straddle any Holyweird altar of depravity.

    No one with good sense wants to watch that self aggrandizing freak show – just too twisted and disturbing. Glad the ratings tanked.

  10. Lest anyone forget that Cardi B admitted that she used to drug and rob men that she took out on dates.

    Completely acceptable to be the female Bill Cosby. Center stage at the Grammys. Very empowering.

    In 30 years, they’ve gone from Like A Virgin to born pregnant.

  11. The flood of Afro-centric entertainment has become tiresome. Although blacks make up just under thirteen percent of the US population, you’d swear it was sixty percent if you based your estimate by watching TV, movies and sports. I’m sick of government/big tech/Madison Avenue cramming that narrative down our throats. It is propaganda aimed mainly at children. The mixed race couple meme is so overwhelming in commercials that it has become comical. It’s always a feminine white guy married to a strong Black woman and she is always the one driving the car while he sits passively in the passenger seat looking, well, passive and looking like he’s about to apologize for his white privilege.


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