Rats ‘Big As Bunnies!’Taking Over Central Park, NYC Neighborhoods in Wake of Coronavirus – IOTW Report

Rats ‘Big As Bunnies!’Taking Over Central Park, NYC Neighborhoods in Wake of Coronavirus

Breitbart: New York City residents are complaining about huge rats scurrying around Central Park and neighborhoods, with some claiming rats have been seen nesting in trees and chewing through car engine wires in broad daylight.

“Rats are devious and they’re smart,” Gail Dubov, president of the West 83rd Street Block Association, said in an article in the UK Sun’s U.S. edition:

Melanie Sloan, whose daughter is Scarlett Johansson, said she saw one man on a bench in The Ramble area of Central Park swatting at rats with a rake.

“Central Park is overrun with huge fat rats. I saw a man on a bench in the rambles swatting them unsuccessfully with a rake,” Sloan posted on Facebook.

Locals told the New York Post that they think slacking street cleaning and trash pickup, as well as an increase of outdoor dining during the coronavirus pandemic, have led to the rodent problem.

The Post reported that so far this year, callers have filed 12,632 rat complaints to the city’s 311 hotline. Residents submitted 9,042 in all of 2019.

The Post also reported sightings of “rats as big as bunnies” and on efforts to combat the rodents: more here

31 Comments on Rats ‘Big As Bunnies!’Taking Over Central Park, NYC Neighborhoods in Wake of Coronavirus

  1. If DeBozo would buy about 50,000 live traps, NYC could keep the rat population under control, feed the Homeless population with “Campfire Rotisserie Rodent” & sell the hides for leather processing to offset the traps cost & help to keep the Homeless warm in the winter.

  2. TIP: when cooking rodents, pre-soaking up to 5 hours helps take away that pesky rodent flavor. AND the longer you cook it, with the other ingredients, the better the meat tastes.

  3. Should send a troop of Boy Scouts with pellet guns out to deal with them.

    Of course it would probably be much easier to find street and drug gangs with 9mm’s than Boy Scout troops with pellet guns in NYC.

  4. “If DeBozo would buy about 50,000 live traps,”

    Naw. (Or, maybe Gnaw?) Too small. Meaning, too much time and labor for the leather. You’ll spend way more money and time trying that than just killing them.

    Just put out the regular anti-coagulant rat bait and be done with it. They aren’t deadly to whatever wants to eat them afterwards. The blood thinner bait isn’t active once eaten by them. You could use them for feeding other animals at that point, if you want to.

    Personally, I would enjoy the opportunity to sit out at night with a pellet rifle and a 12 pack and pop them like prairie dogs as they appeared.

    Could be a community bonding thing for people to be out doing this together.

  5. Uncle Al, A .22 cal pellet rifle can knock a squirrel out beyond 35 yards. No need for gun powder for rats.

    I keep A Gamo .22 cal Silent Cat in the truck during the winter months. Squirrels are the main targets. They’re much tougher than rats. You can hit a quarter at 35-40 yards easily with the 4x scope that comes with them.

    Very safe and very deadly.

    I average $82.50 per trigger pull. Even if the police are called by a Karen seeing “A man with a gun” – nothing comes of it.

    Junk the idea of a firearm in the city and get a $200 or less .22 cal pellet rifle and get the hollow point hunting pellets.

    You won’t regret it, but you may regret using a firearm for the same result.

  6. Due to the limited range (about 20′) of 22 snake shot it’s a much more effective and safer way to go that anything else. Ask me how I know.
    It’s can be fun for the gangs too.

  7. And than can clean up after themselves when you tag one because they will bring the dead ones home for dinner. All it takes is one small hole from the very small shot. They can’t bleed and live.

  8. ” … suppressed .22 bolt action rifles loaded with CB caps”

    A suppressor is not needed with CB’s in a rifle.

    But a pellet gun, rifle or pistol, is plenty sufficient for a rat so a firearm is not even needed to dispatch them.

  9. My Petey B flew back from NYC last week after guest speaking at HomoCon and he said the rats there were as big as my unbleached elastic starfish!

  10. I have and have used .22 snake shot on rats in a pantry before, It’s not that effective at even 1/2 inch range on a rat. But we’re talking outdoors use with some distance now, aren’t we? Even Snake shot uses gunpowder and will garner the attention and scrutiny of nearby Karens.

    .22 cal Pellets in a scoped rifle are a much better choice for this exterior job.

    Just a professional speaking that’s put these things into practice. Do what you will.


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