Rats Get High by Eating Marijuana Evidence Stored at New Orleans Police Headquarters – IOTW Report

Rats Get High by Eating Marijuana Evidence Stored at New Orleans Police Headquarters

Legal Insurrection:

I recently had a chance to visit New Orleans. And while the city was fun, I missed seeing its latest attraction — rats who are buzzed after eating marijuana evidence at the city’s police headquarters.

Rats have infiltrated the New Orleans Police Department’s deteriorating headquarters, breaking into the evidence room and getting “high” on marijuana, a police official said this week.

“The rats are eating our marijuana. They’re all high,” Superintendent of the New Orleans Police Department Anne Kirkpatrick told council members Monday at a Criminal Justice Committee meeting, according to WWL Louisiana. more

21 Comments on Rats Get High by Eating Marijuana Evidence Stored at New Orleans Police Headquarters

  1. “The rats are eating our marijuana.”

    …is THAT the story you’re going with, Superintendent, to explain what happened to all the missing cannabis from the property room?

    Rats ate it?


    I, too, have been to The Big Easy. Once right after Katrina.

    Sometimes the rats dress in blue uniforms…




  2. Walked into the liquor store today because I feel off the wagon and was greeted with a big ass sign “THC infused spirits.”

    I thought to myself, THC? That’s not, uh, what’s it, CBD? THC is the heavy shit, right.. Hmm. I asked the dick at the counter if I could buy it, he said yea no problem. So apparently you can get drunk and stoned at the same time without any medical cards now. Oh wait, I just remembered recreational pot is legal in IL. Fuckin hell, this shit is everywhere. No wonder no one can drive.

  3. One of my law enforcement gigs was a little over a year at a sheriff’s evidence facility. The building was antiquated and way too small, so semi trailers were brought in. The one that was full of marijuana was indeed invaded by rats that ate a good deal of it.

    I got that job because some of the previous staff went bye-bye after one 2-legged rat was also pilfering drug evidence. Ironically, he sold the dope to finance his side gig as an amateur stock car racer.

  4. Years ago there was a guy at work, a total slob. His car (an old Chevette) was full of fast food wrappers and other garbage. He didn’t care until mice ate his weed which he stashed under the front seat. Then he finally cleaned his car.


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