Raul Castro gets testy during questioning on human rights issues – IOTW Report

Raul Castro gets testy during questioning on human rights issues

cuba castro obama political prisoners

BabluBlog: When pressed on the issue of human rights, King Raul boasts of Cuba’s high achievements in health, education, and equal pay for men and women.

“It’s not correct” to use issue of human rights for political purposes, he barked.

7 Comments on Raul Castro gets testy during questioning on human rights issues

  1. Tattoo did get heated. Fantasy Island just became Obama’s all-time favorite stop. The masses ‘praise’ the leader, and the leader can justify anything without retribution. Has anyone seen Moose or the actresses?

  2. I’m glad that there are stronger men than I who can watch this bilge. I’m afraid I’d be on my umpteenth TV by now (along with other collateral house and marital damage).

  3. Thank G-d that Cuba’s “healthcare” system sucks so badly – we can rest assured this Mambo Maricon will soon be in Hell with Stalin, Lenin, Frank Roosevelt, Mussolini, Mao, Woodrow Wilson, Chou En Lai, Ho Chih Minh, Pol Pot, Kim Il Sung, Kim Jong Il, Hitler, Salvador Allende, Juan Peron, Hugo Chavez, Nicolai Caecescu, Enver Hoaxa, etc. I just hope Raul The Fool takes his piece of shit brother with him.

    Bonus points to anyone who recognizes the common thread thru all of the above names.

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