Ravens’ Bradley Bozeman Crushes 72-Ounce Steak Food Challenge – IOTW Report

Ravens’ Bradley Bozeman Crushes 72-Ounce Steak Food Challenge


The Baltimore Ravens’ Bradley Bozeman took on and beat a Texas restaurant’s massive food challenge on Wednesday.

The 317-pound lineman accepted the challenge at The Big Texans Steak Ranch in Amarillo, Texas, and crushed it.

As Fox News noted, “The challenge included eating a 72-ounce steak, shrimp cocktail, baked potato, salad and a buttered roll in under an hour.”

Bozeman ate every last morsel with ten minutes to spare and won himself a t-shirt reading. “I Ate it All.” read more

20 Comments on Ravens’ Bradley Bozeman Crushes 72-Ounce Steak Food Challenge

  1. We were having dinner there one night when a guy sat on the dining stage set for 72 oz challengers. He began with confident enthusiasm that would guaranty the free meal with his success. Slowly we watched the wall timer eat the minutes faster than he could disappear the food and his kids left their table to stand by their dad. It was a sweet show on the stage that evening. 😉

  2. A few years ago we were very active volunteers at our church and got to know the “Campus Kids” quite well. There were three young men who were best friends with each other and all three were strappin’ laddies; one went on to become a police officer, one a fireman, and the third now plays pro football after his contribution to the University of Washington’s football program.

    We’d have these fellas over to dinner about twice a month because we loved them and because they shared a house with a few more campus kids and — just like you’d expect in any communal living arrangement — there was never anything good in their house to eat. Having no sons of my own, I was only too happy to cook for these giant clods. And did they eat! One evening they tucked in to two five pound pot roasts, about five gallons of mashed potatoes and a gallon of gravy, veggies, and bread, and still had room for dessert. I think the defensive end could pack away about 12,000 calories a day all by himself. No joke.

    Word got out among their brothers and soon we had at least one or two additional kids at our table on a regular basis, including a couple of the girls. I’ll always look back on those brief years with much contentment. They’re all scattered now; married, beginning their own families, well into the work of adulthood.

  3. AA

    You are describing about every friend I’ve had until about the age of 26. The overwhelming majority stopped training but never modified their diets. Most are fatter than hell, Tip the scales at 300 plus, and standing up fast could expedite the upcoming heart attack. And that’s just the girls.

  4. BB — Well, among those three guys, I would have only worried about the cop. He had to follow a strict diet and exercise program to get into the academy in the first place. But the fireman and the football player were in tip top physical condition and their jobs, besides being very physically demanding, included intense physical training. But all of them were and continue to be outdoors guys who get in a lot of physical training.

    I agree, though, that unless you continue being very active and keep on eating like you’ve got a 20 year old’s metabolism, you’re in for it. I’m not nearly as active as I was even in my 40s. I’ve just become too efficient. LOL! That’s why I keto and fast.

  5. I was at the Big Texan one night and a guy finished the challenge just in time. He then had to play in a softball tournament right afterwards. If you haven’t eaten at the Big Texan, do it! It’s awesome.

  6. How the fudge do you cook a four and a half pound steak?

    That’s my main concern, is it edible or does it taste like dry pot roast.

    Also….. 4 pounds. May have to seek legal council to avoid being sued by my colon for willful malice aforethought.

    But mainly I’d just like to see the steak cooking process.


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