Raw New Deal: Workers Fired After Following AOC’s Advice – IOTW Report

Raw New Deal: Workers Fired After Following AOC’s Advice

Preventing Amazon from bringing 25,000 new jobs to Queens may be the biggest single loss of jobs that Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is responsible for, but it’s hardly the only time her progressive policies have backfired.

The bar that employed AOC before her entry into politics closed back in March – with the co-owner explicitly citing the city’s $15 an hour minimum wage as the reason why. AOC stopped by the restaurant the policy she supports killed one last time after its closure was announced to “say hi one last time.” At least in that case no particular action of AOC led to the bar’s closure, even though she did support hiking the minimum wage in the way that NYC did, it’s not like she had the ability to vote on it.

In the latest case, a handful of workers inspired by AOC took bold progressive actions –  resulting in unemployment. As VICE reported:

In late April, a group of New York City construction workers, inspired by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s vision for a Green New Deal, voted to form one of the first unions in the solar energy industry. On Monday, their employer Bright Power fired its entire in-house construction crew and announced that those workers, in the midst of negotiations for their first contract, would be replaced with subcontractors.


14 Comments on Raw New Deal: Workers Fired After Following AOC’s Advice

  1. …once again, chumps the REAL minimum wage is “0”…

    …also, you’ll notice that the companies aligned most closely with the Communists are always the quickest to stomp workers. We could ask the Chinese workers where this ends up, but they’d decline since their families would be executed if they talked to us…

    …enjoy your worker’s paradise…

  2. This is what happens when you become not worth it. Many people come into the workforce not understanding that business must make a profit or you don’t have a job. Subs understand this, because they’re a business to.
    And they tend to get things done faster and just as well or better.

  3. I knew a guy through work about 20 years ago who had worked for McDonnell Douglas for more than a decade. Sharp guy. He eventually realized that every 6 months they had a review, then gave everyone a 2% or so raise. Everyone, regardless of performance. He tested his theory by coming in late and leaving early every day for the next 6 months, and sure enough got his 2%, same as the low-performing employees. So he quit – and came back as a contractor. Now his pay was tied to his delivery – and since he was highly productive he made a lot more money. That’s pretty much capitalism vs. socialism in a nutshell – guaranteed pay means they aren’t motivated to produce, and the employer will lose.

  4. That’s the only effective to way to deal with unionization attempts: fire everybody immediately.

    Well, I suppose you could shoot them, but then there’s blood and screaming and pretty soon the cops show up. Not really worth it, most days.

  5. Left Coast Dan – I was one of the employees that always seemed to earn a 2% raise. McD realized that once an employee is locked into a home mortgage, car payment, a couple kids, etc, it is very difficult for them to change jobs. That being said, I screwed up a part that made it into production and installed on many aircraft. My mistake cost the company several hundred thousand dollars to fix the part and retrofit the delivered aircraft. The following year I received an 8% raise. Go Figure!

  6. I remember hearing years ago that Walmart fired all their meat cutters after they tried to unionize. And then there were the Reagan era air traffic controllers. But the Left never learns from their mistakes.


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