Ray Epps’ lawsuit against Fox News reveals he’s being criminally charged by DOJ, 2.5 years after Jan 6 riot – IOTW Report

Ray Epps’ lawsuit against Fox News reveals he’s being criminally charged by DOJ, 2.5 years after Jan 6 riot

PM: The details of Ray Epps’ civil complaint against Fox News reveals that he is being criminally charged by the DOJ, almost three years after the fact.

“Finally, in May 2023, the Department of Justice notified Epps that it would seek to charge him criminally for events on January 6, 2021—two-and-a-half years later. The relentless attacks by Fox and Mr. Carlson and the resulting political pressure likely resulted in the criminal charges” the complaint reads.

The complaint continues, blaming Fox News for the criminal charges: “… it is difficult to believe that the Department of Justice would have pursued this matter if Fox had not focused its lies on Epps, ultimately the criminal charges conclusively demonstrate the falsehood of the story that Mr. Carlson and Fox told about Epps. MORE HERE

15 Comments on Ray Epps’ lawsuit against Fox News reveals he’s being criminally charged by DOJ, 2.5 years after Jan 6 riot

  1. Soooo they didn’t do a pre-dawn, no-knock raid on him, rather ‘notified him’ that they will press charges? How precious.
    With the J6 Committee dead… McCarthy really needed to keep that going and investigate the investigators, but he also needs to impeach the president, Fauci, et al and none of that is happening either. But anyway, Team Pelosi can’t do anything until they get a majority again. Which hopefully is never. So they will cut a Hunter-type plea deal with Epps, then he’ll go on the CNN talk circuit and tell their viewers the same lies he has been spouting the past couple of years.

  2. It’s part of the cover up at this juncture. They painted themselves into a corner and think they can bluff their way out.

    This is not legitimate in any way. Don’t fall for it. It is transparent and obvious what is going on here.

    The timing gives it away. The lawsuit being filed had to wait on them concocting this bullshit indictment.

  3. FBI — Don’t worry Ray, we’ll take care of you, we will not admit to your FBI informant role, we are forced to indict you to show impartiality, but the DOJ is on Board with us, we have control of all cell phone and media video and tapes and we decide what will be seen, you will never be convicted.
    In the mean time file suit against Fox, the DOJ will work with your attorney, you’ll get big bucks and be able to buy a big ranch in Utah.

    Ray– Ok, I’m on Board, but don’t fuck me like the other defendants.

    FBI — Trust us Ray, you’ll live the remainder of your life in luxury.

  4. The DOJ probably told him “Look, we CAN’T not charge you. But look at the deal we gave Hunter.”

    I wonder how he can claim that Fox lied. Is he going to say that Fox used AI to make those videos?

  5. So after Epps sues fox for liable….
    for stating that he’s a fed-boyette….
    the feds suddenly throw charges his way….

    But there’s no way the fed-boys colluded on this.

  6. This is going to work out great for the commies and for Ray! Charge the bastard so he can win his suit against Fox, and relieve the pressure to expose the OBVIOUS commie plot on J6 to create the visuals of a disturbance. Too cool! Of course, once the judgement on the suit is in, the charges will be amended to a state where no actual action against Ray by his EMPLOYER, the federal government, will need to be taken.

    They own us, lock, stock and barrel.

  7. No he’s not. There’s no source for this other than the documents he filed in his lawsuit.

    And if you don’t think these bastards will lie in front of a court/judge, you’re been in a coma since 2015.


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