Rayshard Brooks was a menace to society – IOTW Report

Rayshard Brooks was a menace to society

American Thinker:

By Susan Daniels.

Susan Daniels has been a licensed private investigator in Ohio for twenty-seven years.  She uncovered the stolen Connecticut social security number that Barack Obama has used for the past thirty years.

In a rush for Fulton County district attorney Paul Howard to distract from the investigation of his own wrongdoings regarding a missing $140,000, Howard quickly charged former police officer Garrett Rolfe with eleven felonies before an investigation could be properly done into a police shooting.  Not only is Howard under investigation, but he is in a hotly contested primary in August.  Howard did not take the case to the Grand Jury and, in an apparent political move, immediately charged Rolfe.

On June 12, 2020, Rayshard Brooks, 27, fought with two police officers and grabbed one of their taser guns.  As he ran away, he turned to try to shoot Rolfe, and Rolfe shot him in self-defense.  Brooks had, among other things, four previous charges of obstructing a police officer, cruelty to children, and domestic violence.

It made no sense why Brooks would fight the police until you look at his criminal history.  The following are interactions he had with law enforcement. 

On 08/22/2016, he was sentenced to twelve months in jail and to three years’ probation on each of the five felony counts, which were to be served concurrently.  On 12/20/2018, an arrest warrant was issued for him regarding his last arrest.

The police were called when Brooks was drunk and fell asleep in his car, blocking traffic at a drive-through restaurant.  Being drunk would have been another probation violation.  If he had been arrested, he could have been sent back to jail.  The following are all recorded in Georgia courts.

h/t deranged.

SNIP: More on that Fulton County DA Here.
He has a sexual harassment claim against him, among other things.

25 Comments on Rayshard Brooks was a menace to society

  1. Sooooooo… his national holiday starts… when? 🙄

    And which EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEVIL Honky-ass, cracka holiday are we gonna give up for it? Easter, or Christmas? 🙄 🙄 😡

  2. Saint Rayshard, soon to join Saint George in the Capital Rotunda Hall of Statues

    I demand Yale University rename itself Rayshard University

    because Crack Lives Splatter

  3. Police just shot a 62 year old today in Toronto during a botched welfare check, so I guess it is our turn for the shit to hit the fan now.

    Details have not come out yet but he was of the culture that tends to use curved knives and does the honor killing thing.

  4. I’ve been serving on Fulton County juries for twenty years. All my juries were mixed racially, and almost everybody was thoughtful and took it seriously. I think the cop will get a just verdict. That is why I’ve stocked up on ammo and fire extinguishers.

  5. Who did not know this from the vid research? THEE INCIDENT VID itself, tells us intent. To run away because of…’known to self’, previous convictions against society, perps know this, they will run.

    ‘How far can I push this or get away here.’ They ask themselves.

    This is very DUH assumption to assume DUI is okay and alive and well, oh sorry DEAD.

    Don’t drink and drive while in line at a Wendys, I say.

    Where are the white MADD’s??

  6. Possible BLM statement: Rayshard was only 27 years old when his life was snuffed out by trigger-happy white supremist cops. Think of what he could have accomplished in his life. He had the looks and physique of a star athlete or actor. Now, thanks to a racist cop, we’ll never know what he could have been.

    Yeah, I can imagine: rapes, burglaries, and murders is what we’ll have less of in Atlanta.

  7. Susan Daniels “uncovered the stolen Connecticut social security number that Barack Obama has used for the past thirty years.”
    Has ANYONE in the media ever asked the most corrupt president in history about this?

  8. Yeah yeah yeah yeah, every time the police shoot someone, we have to drag out that it was not a big deal because the suspect was a dirtbag anyway, —so all criticism is unwarranted.


    Why can the police shoot everyone with a tazer and just slough it off as “Oh, it’s not lethal, you’ll live” except for those with heart conditions, pacemakers, standing on platforms above the ground, people that fall over and bang their head on the ground….

    So this guy tazers the police, with non-lethal force, misses, and they shoot him twice in the back killing him.

    Not only was a 30 minute interrogation of a man obviously on something, painful to listen to, but the stupidity of using lethal force was just dumb dumb dumb.

    Yep, he won’t be missed….at all, except by his overweight ghetto dwelling g/f, but government should never run away from scrutiny.

  9. ” She uncovered the stolen Connecticut social security number that Barack Obama has used for the past thirty years…”

    Man, everything evil we suspected about obama has come true. EVERYTHING. That fucker has unleashed complete hell upon the nation. And that fucker soros enabled him.

  10. Check out Mike Zullo on utube.
    He shows you how the pica stamp
    was altered for Obungo’s selective
    service card fraud… It is all
    RIGHT IN YOUR FACE and nothing will ever happen.

  11. chuffed-beyond-words – The stolen Social Security number is reason number 869 that I call him the worthless, flat-footed, tone-deaf, plastic banana republic Socialist Marxist hood-ornament!

  12. Just as predicted when the news broke about Rayshard fighting the police officers as they were arresting him for a DUI. He was facing serious prison time for violating probation. He sobered up enough to do something really stupid and it cost him his life. The police officers were fighting with a very motivated man who wasn’t thinking about any of the consequences except spending more time in the slammer.

  13. Believe it or not, most people in this country just want to got to work, get paid and go home to their families, regardless of race… and not to go out demonstrating, looting or rioting! This so-called “institutionalized racism” is a phony construct.
    I’ve never met a Nazi or a Klansman.
    Do they exist? Yes.
    Are they significant? NO!
    Does racism exist? Yes
    Is it significant? No.
    Want to make something even less significant? Stop blowing it up out of proportion!
    Look, this country has worked hard at reducing racism for well over half a century thru equal opportunity laws, employment laws, special incentives housing, Welfare and programs on top of programs. Blacks have a place at the table at all levels including President of the United States. It would be nice to see just a little acknowledgement and appreciation for all that effort for a change and if Blacks really want to change perceptions maybe they should take on a little personal responsibility to change the reality of Black-On-Black crime rates! Maybe then when someone walking down the street hears footsteps, fears robbery, looks over his shoulder and feels relieved that it is only a white person they will no longer have have to worry if it’s a Black man. By the way, Jesse Jackson said that!!

  14. We just had a little white bastard, 20 year old Brady Robinson of Brampton Ontario, kill a mother and 3 kids with his car during a DUI.

    2 days earlier, he fell asleep through an intersection with a previous history of multiple driving offenses, and slowly drove into a bus shelter. He was arrested & released.

    It was on video.

    Days latter, running from police, with the same car & stolen plates, he killed the 3 kids & their mom at high speed.

    Little white piece of shit.

    I blame Catch & Release. Society & even the fucking criminals would be safer if offenders were locked up rather than pausing in jail for a much too short interval before being set on the public again.

    Rayshard Brooks, & Floyd, would still be alive if they were in a jail serving their time & becoming better people rather than re-offending.

    Go To Hell Brady Robinson!
    And the Court that let you out 2 days earlier!

  15. So someone thinks that if Rayshard could have tasered the cop, that he wouldn’t also have then taken his gun and shot him in the head when he was down? Please. THAT is why he was shot. THAT is why taking the taser was a serious danger to the police. He deserved what he got.

  16. Anonymous
    “She uncovered the stolen Connecticut social security number that Barack Obama has used for the past thirty years…”

    “Man, everything evil we suspected about obama has come true. EVERYTHING. That fucker has unleashed complete hell upon the nation. And that fucker soros enabled him.”

    And, Obama and Soros still continue with their shadow
    Government directing everything that is going on. Obama was not finished totally destroying America. He is an evil man who won’t stop until there is a new world order controlled by the progressive scum of the world

    And sadly, most of our elected fools don’t care as long as they keep some little sliver of power


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