Reactions – IOTW Report


Trump and Biden reactions upon hearing of Ginsberg’s death.

26 Comments on Reactions

  1. Hmm. The example given of Biden’s “reaction” doens’t look like an initial reaction, rather a scripted response from the DNC. I would have like to seen his real initial reaction. I’m sure it included a number of expletives.

    The reaction of the POTUS makes me a little sad and sorry for him. He’s a good-natured bear of a man who, in that video, looked like the weight of the world was on him. No one whose heart is so wide and open for this country and for its citizens can escape the savagery of those who want him gone. He needs our prayers and petitions for his physical and emotional peace.

  2. “Stick to the script, Joe. Stick to the goddam script. Don’t go wandering back to 1963 and some redhead you had an eye for. Stick. To. The. Script. Just this once. We’ve got everything riding on this dead lady. Stay on point, man.”

  3. I have no idea why Biden couldn’t just say some nice words and walk away without adding politics into it. Of course, Biden is the same ass who after hearing about the attempted assassination of 2 Compton cops, said ‘we have to ban assault weapons’ instead of saying anything about the officers.
    Dementia doesn’t remove emotion. There’s assholetry under all that dementia.

  4. Why do you suppose the SECOND woman on the Supreme Court is given all of the credit? Why isn’t the FIRST one even mentioned nowadays? Granted, Ms. O’Connor is still alive and had the willingness to actually retire, rather than drag things out, but when did second place become more important than first?.

    Nevermind, the question answers itself.

  5. Justice Ruth Ginsburg was nominated and confirmed in less days than remain in President Trump’s first term. I’ve met several conservative Republicans who were reluctant to support Trump, but voted for him solely on the basis of his ability to nominate Supreme Court Justices. This could bring out more reluctant Republicans and moderate Democrats than fervent Dementiacrats in the battleground states. What a game changer!

  6. The democunts are completely unhinged. I hope GOP senators in democunt run states, like Gardner or Toomey are getting extra SecServ protection. I wouldn’t put it past these communist vermin to use assassination at this point to take the Senate before the vote.

  7. @TheMule – the problem with Gardner is that he may need as much protection from Republicans as he will from the left. Regardless, I will be voting for him because The Hick is a much worse option.

  8. Is it Biden making word salad out his prepared remarks or who ever wrote his talking points? Either way he always manages to make things more opaque and garbled when a simple sentence or two would suffice to convey a clear meaning.

  9. One thing about her is that she never hid who she was or what she stood and what she would fight for however misguided it was. I never heard her disparage the character of an opponent only the their argument. In a way I feel sorry for her. In her condition she should have retired several years ago and I suspect she was heavily lobbied by the Dems to stay on even though she should have been quietly and with dignity running out the clock somewhere peaceful. In any event RIP Madam Justice however I’m happy you’ve gone to your final rest.

  10. Why do we spend so much time commemorating someone who was never directly elected by us? She was nominated and confirmed by a very few people and thus given control over our lives.

    Regardless of what side of the political spectrum you sit on, less than 6 people that you disagree with are responsible for ruling over you.

    Don’t misunderstand, I think the founding fathers put in a system that is better than any other that currently exists. But when you think about it, 9 unelected people have more power than every person that was actually elected. I do not have a better option.

  11. I could be wrong, but Trump’s first remark was the question “She just died?”

    It allows that he’s known she’s BEEN dead, but now that has been revealed to the world.

    I say that because I will NEVER forget what President Reagan said to the Media that always attacked him. A ‘journalist’ asked him if he ever imagined an actor becoming the President (a stupid attempt to diminish him). His response: “I cannot imagine a President who is NOT an actor.” !!!

  12. They don’t care about people only what they can do for their agenda and to keep them in power. Proof is some leftists are so crazed they are cursing out RBG for not resigning under Obama and dying in 2020. Seriously deranged people.

  13. That’s the reverse engineering of “The end justifies the means”.

    No one’s life has a purpose other that to advance their misanthropic agenda.
    Those that embrace that agenda don’t realize they are all ‘useful idiots’. It’s a political Ponzi Scheme, where they delude themselves into thinking they are high up that pyramid.

  14. President Trump seems genuinely grieved for that old leftist shew. It’s a possibility they were friendly associates before she declared him the enemy.

    God Bless, President Trump for being gracious, even concerning Ginsburg, who no doubt would not return the favor for a conservative.

  15. Biden is a demented idiot. Anyone who spent his whole life caring about no one but himself, doesn’t care a wit about a dead Deep State comrade – she can be replaced. Prayfully, no time soon.


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