READ: Dems Release Laughable Article Of Impeachment For ‘Inciting Violence’ – IOTW Report

READ: Dems Release Laughable Article Of Impeachment For ‘Inciting Violence’

See the names? The sham-peechment writers come from a group of the least intelligent members of Congress. I mean drool-cup dumb. Having to follow a rope line to get around their own house, dumb. Mumbling, “hot hot hot hot hot” to stop themselves from touching a hot stove, dumb.
They’re, amazed by the sound of pulled Velcro, dumb.

National Pulse –

The 4-page resolution is virtually the same as a draft version released last Friday but now includes an explicit reference to section three of the 14th Amendment to the Constitution. Another development is the addition of linking the Capitol attack to “President Trump repeatedly issu[ing] false statements asserting that the Presidential election results were the product of widespread fraud and should not be accepted by the American people or certified by State or Federal officials” in the “months preceding” January 6th.

The January 11th articles allege President Trump “engaged in high Crimes and Misdemeanors by inciting violence against the Government of the United States” – a claim debunked by the fact that President Trump’s speech concluded over 30 minutes after troublemakers arrived at the Capitol.

What’s more, President Trump’s speech never called for physical violence, instead encouraging protestors to “peacefully and patriotically make their voices heard” by “cheer[ing] on our brave Senators and Congressmen and women.” In contrast, Democrats and media elites have called for – and even joined – AntiFa and Black Lives Matter protests that have resulted in the deaths of countless innocent Americans.

The authors of the impeachment articles are Democrats David Cicilline, Ted Lieu, Jamie Raskin, and Jerry Nadler and describe President Trump as a “threat to national security, democracy, and the Constitution if allowed to remain in office.” READ MORE

17 Comments on READ: Dems Release Laughable Article Of Impeachment For ‘Inciting Violence’

  1. Treasonous poltroons, the lot.
    All are butthurt that EO 13959 is now in effect, a punch in the face to the PRC.
    They act not from love of country but from fear of exposure of their own sins.
    May all things done in darkness be brought to light.

  2. This is just another toothless attempt to denigrate the President by childish punks.
    They’re only succeeding in steeling our resolve.
    They’re also trying to create as much smoke and confusion as possible because they’re terrified of damning information being exposed.

  3. I notice that the most radical of the all of dem detractors are either foreign born or first generation american.
    This is what we get for allowing the hordes of 3rd world scum into this country.

  4. ‘House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said in a “60 Minutes” interview that aired Sunday night that one of the motivating factors for some in the new effort to impeach President Trump and remove him from office is to eliminate any chance he has of being elected again. –Fox News headline

    So, she’s worried he could actually win, even after his ‘high crimes’? And her solution is to prevent him from running? Does she realize she just admitted he likely won this time? Talk about dumb!

  5. Perfect!
    If a big part of this is that the President lied about his landslide victory, open it up for full evidentiary evidence showing all the fraud and stole election.
    See how long before networks cut the feed.


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