Read the Scary Descriptions of Refugees by Idaho Refugee Agency – IOTW Report

Read the Scary Descriptions of Refugees by Idaho Refugee Agency

Breitbart: TWIN FALLS, IDAHO—The Idaho Office For Refugees wants to sell employers on hiring refugees but actually ends up giving very contradictory—and sometimes downright frightening—information on potential refugee hires in their official publications.


Twin Falls is in many ways typical of rural small town America, and in an age where Hillary Clinton is planning to massively increase the number of refugees if elected, Twin Falls is acting as a mirror for what many Americans are facing. Breitbart News has reported on the economic motivation for the refugee influx in the recent piece Twin Falls Refugee Rape Special Report: Why Are The Refugees Moving In?

Recent crimes involving refugees have brought national focus to Twin Falls, as some local residents worry that the refugee resettlement program has been forced on Twin Falls without proper oversight or public debate. From the sexual assault on the five-year-old girlallegedly perpetrated by refugee boys said to be from Iraq and Sudan, to the the recent charges that an African molested a 33-year-old retarded woman and the arrest of a refugee for coming back to Twin Falls to kill people that he’d met in the refugee program, people are asking who these refugees are.

The Idaho Office for Refugees has some answers…and they aren’t pretty.  MORE

13 Comments on Read the Scary Descriptions of Refugees by Idaho Refugee Agency

  1. It’s bad enough to have laws telling you who you cannot discriminate against. It’s something else to have laws telling you who to discriminate FOR (which is really what the old discrimination laws did the whole time).

  2. I think the problem revolves around why refugees are immigrating to other countries. They are not coming here because they have a burning desire to be Americans, they are arriving on our shores because they have a burning desire to not be starved, imprisioned, tortured and/or executed in their native countries.

    Immigrants/refugees who are escaping have no desire to assimilate into other cultures or leave their own culture behind. Immigrants who want to come to the US will make some effort to assimilate; refugees don’t see that effort as necessary. When dealing with these groups, it is vital to recognize the distinction.

    Idaho is wrong. It is one thing to warn US employers about various cultural practices for incoming groups, but US employers should be encouraged to require refugees to get with our program instead of having our citizens change. But liberals (many of whom will never have any interaction with refugees) don’t get this, and the inevitable culture clashes will continue unabated.

  3. The Idaho Office for refugees is a subsidiary of something called Jannus Inc. I tried doing an online search to see who is on their board, but kept getting error messages on the Idaho Sec. of State’s web page. Anybody else know who they are?


    Nowhere on this site is there a mention of integrating refugees into the community as potential Americans. There is not one word related to assimilation.
    It’s one page after another as to how Americans are to adjust their lives to accommodate invaders who clearly do NOT want to be Americans.

    Jannus board members have plenty of connections to the UN and George Soros. Not a surprise.
    It’s progressivism that wants to destroy America in every way possible so we become another 2nd or 3rd world shit hole.

  5. What Wyatt said^^
    These *refugees* are turning their host countries into the same type of third-world shitholes they came from.
    We are being Merkelized.
    And it will only get worse.

  6. Fuck this shit.

    There’s NO WAY I would hire one of these goat-humping losers. They are way too high-maintenance.

    And if Uncle Sam butted in, I would tell him to kiss my fat, white, Christian, Muslim-distrusting, profit-making ass.

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