Read The Trump Campaign’s 105-Page Lawsuit In Pennsylvania – IOTW Report

Read The Trump Campaign’s 105-Page Lawsuit In Pennsylvania

National Pulse:

Read the Trump campaign’s lawsuit against Pennsylvania’s Secretary of State and several county election boards.

The 105-page report, filed in the critical swing state of Pennsylvania, represents the Trump campaign’s effort to ensure all legal votes are counted – and illegal ballots aren’t.

“American citizens deserve fair elections. Every legal – not illegal – vote should be counted. And no government power, be it state or federal, may deny American citizens the right to observe the process by which votes are cast, processed, and tabulated. We must protect our democracy with complete transparency,” the suit begins. more

8 Comments on Read The Trump Campaign’s 105-Page Lawsuit In Pennsylvania

  1. Apparently the system has been poisoned over time and this election brought it clearly to the surface. Just think how many times in the past these coup leaders have been doing this, and now they thought they could just expand their operation and sneak out the back door. It’s past time to slam them hard.

  2. I’ve been studying it and so far, from my very limited initial examination- would give it about a 50-50 chance of succeeding (it took a team of lawyers and staff to write it and will take a larger team of them to respond to it in opposition so my opinion at this time isn’t worth a lot).

    Seems to be likely to be challenged on both the equality of votes arguments and on the requested remedies as a point of legal acceptability. (but that’s just a very preliminary impression from a common man, not an attorney, just from skimming it on a quick reading)

    But it is actually a really complicated complaint even if it is only a little over a hundred pages long. I bet there’s whole teams of paralegals and lawyers being assembled to respond to it.

  3. If America is still a democracy then this law suit has merit – however haven’t we here at IOTW-Report debated just that concern over the last few years?

    For globalism and the 2030 project to proceed this lawsuit must be quashed. And the Covid vaccine must be distributed outside the US first (per Dr. Emmanuel’s wishes) while the carriers/spreaders must continue to seed it amongst the chumps and deplorables.

    Trump MUST GO.


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