Reader – Candy Poll – IOTW Report

Reader – Candy Poll

Copy these questions – paste them in the comments section to answer.

1 – Favorite Candy As a Kid

2- Least Favorite Candy As a Kid

3 – Favorite Candy As an Adult

4- Least Favorite As an Adult

5- Candy You Didn’t Like As a Kid That You Like Now

6- Candy You Did Like as a Kid That You Don’t Like Now

54 Comments on Reader – Candy Poll

  1. 1 – Favorite Candy As a Kid
    Circus Peanuts (update-these are the orange marshmallowy peanut shaped things)

    2- Least Favorite Candy As a Kid
    Mary Janes

    3 – Favorite Candy As an Adult

    4- Least Favorite As an Adult

    5- Candy You Didn’t Like As a Kid That You Like Now
    Dark Chocolate

    6- Candy You Did Like as a Kid That You Don’t Like Now
    Circus Peanuts

  2. 1 – Favorite Candy As a Kid – Bubblicious Bubble Gum

    2- Least Favorite Candy As a Kid – Whoppers

    3 – Favorite Candy As an Adult – Gummy Bears

    4- Least Favorite As an Adult – Whoppers

    5- Candy You Didn’t Like As a Kid That You Like Now – Black Licorice

    6- Candy You Did Like as a Kid That You Don’t Like Now – Any kind of Bubble Gum


  3. 1 – Favorite Candy As a Kid
    Hot jaw breakers

    2- Least Favorite Candy As a Kid
    Wax lips

    3 – Favorite Candy As an Adult

    4- Least Favorite As an Adult
    Dark chocolate (too bitter)

    5- Candy You Didn’t Like As a Kid That You Like Now

    6- Candy You Did Like as a Kid That You Don’t Like Now
    Orange peanut-shaped marshmallow-like thing

    (That’s the CIRCUS PEANUTS!!! lol-bfh)
    Doh! – claudia

  4. 1 – Favorite Candy As a Kid

    2- Least Favorite Candy As a Kid
    Dark Chocolate

    3 – Favorite Candy As an Adult
    Hershey Bar

    4- Least Favorite As an Adult
    White Chocolate

    5- Candy You Didn’t Like As a Kid That You Like Now

    6- Candy You Did Like as a Kid That You Don’t Like Now

  5. Favorite Candy As a Kid
    3 Musketeers

    2- Least Favorite Candy As a Kid
    Hard candy in general

    3 – Favorite Candy As an Adult
    bloomer puddin’

    4- Least Favorite As an Adult
    chocolate starfish

    5- Candy You Didn’t Like As a Kid That You Like Now
    Zero Bar

    6- Candy You Did Like as a Kid That You Don’t Like Now
    candy corn

  6. 1 – Favorite Candy As a Kid- Milk Duds

    2- Least Favorite Candy As a Kid- 3 Musketeers

    3 – Favorite Candy As an Adult- Twizzlers

    4- Least Favorite As an Adult- 3 Musketeers

    5- Candy You Didn’t Like As a Kid That You Like Now- Tootsie Roll

    6- Candy You Did Like as a Kid That You Don’t Like Now- Smartees

  7. 1-Favorite Candy As a Kid
    Circus Peanuts (I once spent my entire allowance on them, and ate them until I puked.)

    2- Least Favorite Candy As a Kid
    Some nasty thing called “horehound” my great-grandfather used to keep around. It’s not even candy…more like petrified medicine!

    3 – Favorite Candy As an Adult
    Dark chocolate-covered caramels

    4- Least Favorite As an Adult
    Fake chocolate-covered raisins (warts)

    5- Candy You Didn’t Like As a Kid That You Like Now
    Ain’t no such thing

    6- Candy You Did Like as a Kid That You Don’t Like Now
    Circus peanuts (kack)
    Those colored Easter eggs that are pure sugar

  8. 1 – Favorite Candy As a Kid

    burnt peanuts

    2- Least Favorite Candy As a Kid

    circus peanuts

    3 – Favorite Candy As an Adult

    burnt peanuts

    4- Least Favorite As an Adult

    circus peanuts

    5- Candy You Didn’t Like As a Kid That You Like Now

    not sure

    6- Candy You Did Like as a Kid That You Don’t Like Now

    not sure

    anyway, I have a weakness for burnt peanuts. VERY weird, I know.

    I also like peanut m&ms. It’s a sweet and salty thing maybe.

  9. 1 – Favorite Candy As a Kid

    Just one??? Yii. Okay: Turkish Taffy. (And circus peanuts and Brach’s Maple Nut Goodies and See’s chocolates and whatever Mom hid in her ingenious but doomed hiding places.)

    2- Least Favorite Candy As a Kid

    Peppermint things (because they ruined your taste buds for hours).

    3 – Favorite Candy As an Adult

    Just one??? Yii. Okay: Fruit-filled dark chocolate, whether bar or piece.

    4- Least Favorite As an Adult

    Peppermint, except when I’m dieting. Same reason as above.

    5- Candy You Didn’t Like As a Kid That You Like Now

    Black licorice. (Careful: in excess, it raises blood pressure.)

    6- Candy You Did Like as a Kid That You Don’t Like Now

    Sweet Tarts.

  10. 1 – Favorite Candy As a Kid – Lic em aid??

    2- Least Favorite Candy As a Kid – tootsie Roll

    3 – Favorite Candy As an Adult – butt-erfinger

    4- Least Favorite As an Adult – any of the soft gel candies, gummy things

    5- Candy You Didn’t Like As a Kid That You Like Now – anise candy, hershey kisses, browneeyes w/ nuts and fudge

    6- Candy You Did Like as a Kid That You Don’t Like Now – baseball bubble gum

  11. @BFH, you actually like horehound?
    I didn’t think anybody would even have HEARD of it.

    Speaking of Bass Pro, I just thought of something even worse.
    “Fisherman’s Friend” lozenges.
    My first boss used to pass them around.
    They originally had chloroform in them. I shit you not!

  12. 1 – Favorite Candy As a Kid

    Jelly Beans

    2- Least Favorite Candy As a Kid

    Those circus peanuts – Yuk!

    3 – Favorite Candy As an Adult

    Sour Patch Kids. Yum!

    4- Least Favorite As an Adult

    Dark Chocolate anything!

    5- Candy You Didn’t Like As a Kid That You Like Now

    Milk Chocolate covered peanuts.

    6- Candy You Did Like as a Kid That You Don’t Like Now

    Licorice of any kind.

  13. 1 – Favorite Candy As a Kid

    i don’t know, Abba Zabba? I don’t remember what I did last week.

    2- Least Favorite Candy As a Kid

    black licorice

    3 – Favorite Candy As an Adult

    dark chocolate, 70% or better cocoa content — the real bitter stuff

    4- Least Favorite As an Adult

    any of the crap i ate when i was a kid

    5- Candy You Didn’t Like As a Kid That You Like Now

    black licorice and horehound. Both are good for the throat. Australian black licorice and Ozark mountain horehound are my favorite, not so much for the taste.

    6- Candy You Did Like as a Kid That You Don’t Like Now

    damn near all of it

  14. 1-Favorite Candy As a Kid
    Baby Ruth, but then I saw Caddyshack, and it was never the same

    2- Least Favorite Candy As a Kid
    Gotta agree on Circus Peanuts, but ate them anyway. Hey, it was candy!
    I tried a sweet potato when I was four, thinking, ‘I love potatoes, and I love candy. This must be the perfect food!’. I’ve hated that lying vegetable (or whatever it is) ever since.

    3 – Favorite Candy As an Adult
    Mallo Cups

    4- Least Favorite As an Adult
    Candy corn

    5- Candy You Didn’t Like As a Kid That You Like Now
    Goldenberg’s Peanut Chews

    6- Candy You Did Like as a Kid That You Don’t Like Now

    Fun survey!

  15. 1 – Favorite Candy As a Kid

    2- Least Favorite Candy As a Kid

    3 – Favorite Candy As an Adult
    PBR (I know I know)

    4- Least Favorite As an Adult

    5- Candy You Didn’t Like As a Kid That You Like Now
    Rolling Rock

    6- Candy You Did Like as a Kid That You Don’t Like Now

  16. 1 – Favorite Candy As a Kid

    Candy Kracinski

    2- Least Favorite Candy As a Kid

    Mary Janes

    3 – Favorite Candy As an Adult

    “Baby” Ruth Rohansen

    4- Least Favorite As an Adult

    Chocolate Kisses

    5- Candy You Didn’t Like As a Kid That You Like Now

    Peppermint Patty Prevost

    6- Candy You Did Like as a Kid That You Don’t Like Now

    Lemon Lily Leskowitz.


    Sugar candy?

    Oh, never mind then.

  17. First, trurh in advertsing: I don’t have a sweet tooth. If somebody stole candy from me I wouldn’t GARA. But I WILL knock over women and children to get to a bag of Wise Potato chips.

    Second: my candy attitudes are exactly the same now as in childhood.

    Third: I particularly loathe candies that are straight sugar. Candy corn and marzipan? Ewwwwww. Ther’s got to be something else going on terms of flavor and texture to entice me.

    Fourth: with this in mind, the candies I find tolerable are mlik and white chocolates, and chewy stuff like caramel, licorice, taffy, and Swedish fish. I do like any combination of milk chocolate with caramel and/or coconut. But you’ll never see me eating a whole bag at a time.

    Fifth: My dentist has had a secret crush on me for years, I can tell.

  18. 1 – Favorite Candy As a Kid–Hershey Bar w/ almonds

    2- Least Favorite Candy As a Kid–Caramels/Mary Janes (tie)

    3 – Favorite Candy As an Adult–Payday Bar

    4- Least Favorite As an Adult-Almond Joy

    5- Candy You Didn’t Like As a Kid That You Like Now–Dark Chocolate

    6- Candy You Did Like as a Kid That You Don’t Like Now–Milk Duds (if you can find them anywhere!)


  19. I’m rather late to this party, but have loved the varied answers. I wonder if it would help to know the region of the country where each respondent grew up – for instance, I have never even heard of Mary Janes.

    1 – Favorite Candy As a Kid
    candy cigarettes, mom’s fudge

    2- Least Favorite Candy As a Kid
    licorice – black and red, anything with coconut

    3 – Favorite Candy As an Adult
    Payday – love that sweet/salty mix

    4- Least Favorite As an Adult
    Hershey’s Kisses – too fake tasting, anything with coconut

    5- Candy You Didn’t Like As a Kid That You Like Now
    Good and Plenty

    6- Candy You Did Like as a Kid That You Don’t Like Now
    Slo Poke suckers – great in the movies then because they lasted so long — pull your fillings out now.

  20. 1 – Favorite Candy As a Kid
    Waxed lips and the little waxed coke bottles with syrup in them

    2- Least Favorite Candy As a Kid
    Horehound candy. My Mom ate it like it was going out of style, and gosh, why couldn’t it have gone out of style

    3 – Favorite Candy As an Adult
    Bazooka Bubble Gum

    4- Least Favorite As an Adult
    Candy corn. Disgusting stuff

    5- Candy You Didn’t Like As a Kid That You Like Now
    I still hate horehound candy.

    6- Candy You Did Like as a Kid That You Don’t Like Now
    Necco wafers. What was I thinking?!

  21. I was never very enthusiastic about candy per se. It was baked goods that I craved: cheese Danish, lemon meringue pie, Napoleons, jelly donuts, etc. These days I eat a whole lot less wheat/flour and sugary foods, but don’t get between me and a slice of properly made Key Lime pie! Oh, yeah, and a sweet egg custard, e.g. flan. Oh, yeah #2 – really dark chocolate, the 80% cacao or higher kind. Ghirardelli’s is my favorite, better than Lindt even though Lindt is the parent company.

  22. 1 – Favorite Candy As a Kid – Three Musketeers

    2- Least Favorite Candy As a Kid – licorice (especially black)

    3 – Favorite Candy As an Adult – Snickers

    4- Least Favorite As an Adult – licorice (especially black)

    5- Candy You Didn’t Like As a Kid That You Like Now – granola bars

    6- Candy You Did Like as a Kid That You Don’t Like Now – candy corn

    I have always preferred cakes and pies over candy.

  23. The “mary jane” that I knew of as a kid made you CRAVE candy/pie/burritos/tacos/cake….what is this candy mary jane that you speak of?…..and what the hell is horehound?….please describe

  24. 1 – Favorite Candy As a Kid – Peppermint stick

    2- Least Favorite Candy As a Kid – wax lips

    3 – Favorite Candy As an Adult – Peppermint anything

    4- Least Favorite As an Adult – pop rocks

    5- Candy You Didn’t Like As a Kid That You Like Now – heath bar

    6- Candy You Did Like as a Kid That You Don’t Like Now – pixie sticks

  25. 1 – Favorite Candy As a Kid- Hershey kisses

    2- Least Favorite Candy As a Kid- some German liquor-filled things

    3 – Favorite Candy As an Adult- Hoffmann’s chocolate strawberries

    4- Least Favorite As an Adult- liquor-filled anything

    5- Candy You Didn’t Like As a Kid That You Like Now – blank

    6- Candy You Did Like as a Kid That You Don’t Like Now -blank


  26. 1 – Favorite Candy As a Kid M&Ms

    2- Least Favorite Candy As a Kid black licorice or jelly beans

    3 – Favorite Candy As an Adult fabulous homemade pralines a friend makes at Christmas time and M&Ms

    4- Least Favorite As an Adult Reese’s pieces, black licorice and jelly beans

    5- Candy You Didn’t Like As a Kid That You Like Now Chunky bars (didn’t like the raisins)

    6- Candy You Did Like as a Kid That You Don’t Like Now Hard candies of any kind

  27. 1 – Favorite Candy As a Kid–Smarties (kind in the tube)

    2- Least Favorite Candy As a Kid–Almond Joy

    3 – Favorite Candy As an Adult–Lindt Truffles, dark chocolate (but gah you can’t eat more than two)

    4- Least Favorite As an Adult–Butterfinger

    5- Candy You Didn’t Like As a Kid That You Like Now–Peanut M & Ms

    6- Candy You Did Like as a Kid That You Don’t Like Now: Turkish Delight (outrageously nasty)

  28. 1 – Favorite Candy As a Kid
    Hot Tamales

    2- Least Favorite Candy As a Kid
    Jelly Beans

    3 – Favorite Candy As an Adult
    Black licorice

    4- Least Favorite As an Adult
    Jelly Beans

    5- Candy You Didn’t Like As a Kid That You Like Now

    6- Candy You Did Like as a Kid That You Don’t Like Now
    Candy Necklace

    Jajajaja! Thanks Claudia! As soon as I read, “Waxed Lips,” I could taste and feel them. My sister and I loved them! The waxed mini coke bottles, too. Does anybody make waxed candy anymore? How about cinnamon toothpicks? Pal Mal Candy cigarettes? Those were the days 🙂

    ps – what are Mary Janes?

  29. AH!….Horehound…. (from wiki pedophile)…they don’t make it anymore under that name….it’s the Bill Clinton, wrinkly and grey with navel lint stuck to it…bad after taste

  30. 1 – Favorite Candy As a Kid: Penny Candy

    2- Least Favorite Candy As a Kid: Marshmallow Chicks

    3 – Favorite Candy As an Adult: Black Licorice

    4- Least Favorite As an Adult: Anything to pull out my fillings

    5- Candy You Didn’t Like As a Kid That You Like Now: Roasted Marshmallow Chicks

    6- Candy You Did Like as a Kid That You Don’t Like Now: Sugar Daddies

  31. 1 – Favorite Candy As a Kid – Zero bar

    2- Least Favorite Candy As a Kid – any licorice

    3 – Favorite Candy As an Adult – Peanut M&Ms

    4- Least Favorite As an Adult – any licorice

    5- Candy You Didn’t Like As a Kid That You Like Now – none

    6- Candy You Did Like as a Kid That You Don’t Like Now – none – anything with mint in it

    Never liked horehounds but it could be that they taste more like hound than hore.

  32. I’m late to the party, but here it is:

    1 – Favorite Candy As a Kid – chocolate malted milk balls

    2- Least Favorite Candy As a Kid – licorice

    3 – Favorite Candy As an Adult – dark chocolate and nuts

    4- Least Favorite As an Adult – licorice

    5- Candy You Didn’t Like As a Kid That You Like Now – chocolate mint

    6- Candy You Did Like as a Kid That You Don’t Like Now – Sweet Tarts


  33. 1 – Favorite Candy As a Kid – Turkish Taffy

    2- Least Favorite Candy As a Kid – purple Necco wafers…the others were okay

    3 – Favorite Candy As an Adult – Beer

    4- Least Favorite As an Adult – actual candy

    5- Candy You Didn’t Like As a Kid That You Like Now – Beer

    6- Candy You Did Like as a Kid That You Don’t Like Now – orange Circus Peanuts

  34. Maybe it’s the candied beer talking, but I’m pretty sure there was another candy out there very similar to Mary Janes (no, not pot) with another name. I just can’t remember it.

  35. 1. Favorite Candy As a Kid – Old Fashioned Taffy

    2. Least Favorite Candy As a Kid – Jawbreakers

    3. Favorite Candy As an Adult
    – Turtles (Chocolate Carmel Nut clusters)

    4. Least Favorite As an Adult – Pixie Sticks

    5. Candy You Didn’t Like As a Kid That You Like Now
    – Gum Drops

    6. Candy You Did Like as a Kid That You Don’t Like Now
    – Sweet Tarts

  36. Don’t like candy….really like expensive well made bakery items
    Pastries – cheesecake- gourmet pies ($50) for a pie. But real high quality hand made for me. Special order.

  37. Now that I think of it, the candy I ended up hating the most were those candy eggs we got on easter. Like hard compressed stale marshmallow with a thick toxic sugar coating covered with lead based coloring paint or some terrible crap. The last time I ate those, I over did it and thought I was going to die from stomach pain. Anybody else live through that kind of child abuse? Maybe I’m the only survivor left?

    @Corona , was it Mike&Ikes, or something like that? I remember those sucked pretty bad too.

  38. I know I am late to this thread, but the subject has such deep and wide-ranging sociological implications that I feel compelled to comment, anyway.

    1- Favorite Candy As a Kid – Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups

    2- Least Favorite Candy As a Kid – Was going to say candy corn, until I was reminded of Circus Peanuts. Definitely Circus Peanuts!

    3- Favorite Candy As an Adult – Kind of hooked on gumballs, since I can’t chew sugarless gum, anymore (since sorbitol acts like a laxative, in my middle age. Sorry!)

    4- Least Favorite As an Adult – Circus Peanuts

    5- Candy You Didn’t Like As a Kid That You Like Now – I pretty much liked everything as a kid, making that a small universe to draw from.

    6- Candy You Did Like as a Kid That You Don’t Like Now – Necco Wafers

  39. Corona:

    They taste something like a cross between molasses and peanut butter and they’re chewy/tough. Kinda like a bit o honey. They aren’t GREAT, but It’s an interesting flavor that you don’t get from the new candies that taste pretty much the same. They come around Halloween and maybe Easter time, too. I recall seeing them at least twice a year everywhere. But sometimes those dollar stores carry them all year- on and off.

  40. 1 – Favorite Candy As a Kid — Tootsie Rolls

    2 – Least Favorite Candy As a Kid — Anything licorice

    3 – Favorite Candy As an Adult — Tootsie Rolls

    4 – Least Favorite As an Adult — Anything licorice

    5 – Candy You Didn’t Like As a Kid That You Like Now — Mounds or Almond Joy

    6 – Candy You Did Like as a Kid That You Don’t Like Now — Tootsie Pops

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